||Home?|| Americat&Canacat X Reader (1)

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Brought to you by the fact that it's freezing in my room.
Oh also, one or two curse words in this one.

You stopped tasting the air of the streets where you lived. That's right, you were a stray.
The baddest cat on the block to be specific.
This area just happened to be your domain, you didn't have many friends, since you tended to push other cats; and people away.
Long scars adorned your (f/c) pelt, your ragged fur was dirty and grimy; you never bothered to wash it, you weren't trying to impress anyone so what's the point?

Pov change

I sighed, walking along the street, vendors sold food on large metal carts. It was a rather small town, not to mention that we were pretty much secluded up in the mountains, the nearest town a waze away. A lot of people come up here to buy things, it's a pretty common vacation spot; lots'a nature to look at, it's quite nice.

My long (f/c) fur blew in the breeze softly as a chilly wind wafted through, I shivered, my ears pricked up, and my paws numb from the cold.
It was generally rather cold here, most people ignored a stray like me, and I liked it that way.
If they came to close I claw them, simple as that.

But with the wind came a rather unpleasant stench; and I knew exactly what, or should I say, who, it belonged too.
"Hey frau!"
A soft growl rose in my throat, I turned around glaring at the white tom behind me.

Unlike me, he wore one of those "people" things. A collar, with a little bell. His fur was sleek and well groomed, and he always had that yellow bird on his head; the little wretch always found some way of teasing me whenever I tried to catch it.

"What do you want," I said, my voice flat and cold. Gilbert, the white tom, pouted. My claws unsheathed, if he was trying for a fight, he'd get one.

"Oh common, don't be like that!"
A deep purr rumbled in his throat as he cheekily trotted up to me, nuzzling my cheek in greeting.
I took a step back.
"Leave me alone," I told him, which only caused the grin on his face to sadden, that stupid puppy pout showing itself on his face once again.

"There's no need to be so cold..." He pointed out, sitting down on the hard pavement.
A pink tongue stuck out to lick his paw, which her drew over his ear.
"I need to show you something that I found." He said seriously, since when was he ever serious?

"I'll pas-"
"And you're coming, weather you like it or not." He added, a certain dry tone to his voice.
I growled softly, I don't like people telling me what to do.

"Quit it, just come will you?" He said, his expression hard.
"What is it?" I asked, my ears twitching.
"Something you'll want to see."
He motioned with his tail for me to follow as he dashed down the street.
What the hell do you want now Gilbert? I wondered, dashing down the street after him.

His lean whit body flashed into a small alleyway, and a new scent filled my nose; The scent of kits.
I slowed down, turning into the alleyway.
"What's going-" I stopped when I saw him. He laid down next to two kits, trying to warm them up.

I proceeded carefully, until I was in front of the newborns.
Both of them had creamish colored fur, with a brown ring around their necks, the littlest one was much lighter though.

As I scanned the kits closely, they looked to only be about two months old, their eyes weren't even open yet.

I leaned down to look at them more closely only to have a tiny claw slashed at my nose from the bigger kit. He was protecting his brother, the lighter one.

I took a small step back as Prussia nudged them, trying to warm them up.
"I found them yesterday, I waited for their mom to come back, but she never did."
"She left them here?" A small growl rose in my throat, angry at whoever did this.

Why would she just leave them there? I may be tough but I'm not heartless.
The white tom nodded.

"I know you hate me and we're not friends, but you were the only cat I knew who could take them. They need someone to take care of them." He explained, wrapping his tail around the two kits.
"Can't you do that yourself?" He shook his head, "I can't give them milk frau, and it's betted if they had a mother to take care of them."
I sighed, eying the small bundle.
"What about your owners-"
"Dogs." He waved his tail in dismissal. I nodded softly in understanding.
"So will you take them?" He begged, his eyes shining with hope.
I sighed, thinking.

For the longest time I had been completely baron, the reason my old owner had abandoned me, I hadn't been able to have kits.
It was close to mating season, so it was very possible that you would be able to produce milk, but even still. These kittens deserve a better life, they shouldn't have to grow up on the streets like you did.

"I can't take them."
His expression died, "why?"
"They deserve a better life then wandering around the streets, and I don't know if you've noticed but I'm not the best influence." He frowned at your cold tone, a sudden anger in his voice.
"So you're just going to leave them?"
"Technically you are."
"I can't take care of them frau, they need someone who can feed them. I'm just asking that for once," he began, the fur on his neck rising. But he stopped, not wanting to say anything that could drive you away, or worse.

Another cold wind gusted by, the little kids shivered, huddling closer to Gilbert, their coats were dirty and rugged. They mewled hungrily, a small stab of pity wafted through me.

"Please take them." He begged quietly, I let out a soft sigh, staring down at the little bundles of fur.
"I... I guess I can take them."
His eyes brightened, and he stood up, nuzzling into my fur.
"Thank you frau!" He purred, giving my ear a warm and friendly lick, causing me to flinch away softly.

I simply grunted in response, not sure what else to say.

"But there's one condition."
He looked at you curiously.

"They have to stay somewhere warm, it's too cold out here, and it's too cold on the streets."

If my pride was a bookshelf full of books this was pretty much knocking the whole thing over, and burning every single one of those books until only ashes were left.

You took a deep breath, remembering the day after your owner kicked me out, Gilbert had offered that I could stay in the barn at his place, since it was pretty much abandoned, but I had declined.

"We have to take them to the old barn at your place. They'll be much safer, and it's a lot warmer there." You explained, he grinned, nodding.
There was an excited tone to the way he spoke, "let's go!" He said happily, I sighed. What the hell have I gotten myself into?..

-End of part one.-

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