Canadacat X Reader ||Making history||

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Matthew took a deep breath, pacing back and fourth. "Ok, I'm going to do it..." He whispered, a triumphant tone in his voice. He was determined. Today was the day he was going to get your attention. Today was the day that he would surely "get the girl."
He was going to ask (Name) to be his mate, and he wouldn't let Americat stand in his way.

He puffed up his fluffy chest, staring in the mirror. You can do this!!! He told himself, jumping off the sink and heading down the stairs, going out the cat door.

What a beautiful morning. It was finally starting to get warm, finally. Spring was arriving, the snow was just starting to melt.
He took a deep breath "ok, let's do this."

He padded down the sidewalk, heading to that oh so familiar house on (street name).
You laid there like always, stretched out on one of the rocks on the front lawn. You looked absolutely beautiful, at least, to him that is.

A soft purr rumbled out of your chest as your (f/c) flank rose and fell.
You stirred, one eye opening to see the quiet cat standing at the foot of the rock. A small grin spread on your face as you stood stretching. "Hey Canacat!" You greeted, jumping off to give your friend a soft lick on the ear.
"Hey," he greeted back, returning the friendly gesture.
"What can I do for-ya'?" You asked, sitting down in front of the white and brown tom.

"I was wondering if maybe you'd like to-"
"Heyyy dudes!!!!"
Great... He was here.
Americat jumped down from the fence, trotting over to (Name) "What's up?" He purred, nuzzling name in the cheek, making Canadacat stiffen.
He couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy at his brother.

It got even worse when (Name) affectionately purred and nuzzled the male. He felt his blood boil, but he restrained himself, taking a quiet deep breath, and retracting his claws.

"Hey Cana-" Alfred tried to speak, trotting jollily over to his brother, only to get a small glare. "Don't talk to me...." He mumbled, getting up and walking off.

Americat looked back at you "what's his deal?" He asked, you shook your head, not knowing.
"I'd... Better go after him."
She trotted after the canadian, hoping to catch up to him.

Alfred just stood there dumbfounded. "What did I do?"


"Hey, wait!" You shouted, Canacat tensed up, expecting it to be his brother, turning around he relaxed when he saw it was you.
"Why'd you run off?" You asked, looking up at him, you weren't as bug as him; being the Maine coon mix he was.

"Do you like Americat?" He questioned almost immediately, wanting to hear her answer.
"What do you mean?"
He sighed, "I knew it, you love him, don't you?" He looked up at you, sadness in his eyes.

"What, no!" You spat, surprise etched into your expression, Canacat's ears perked up in hearing that.
"He's my best friend!"
"Oh..." He said, "sorry for asking."
He smiled softly, "why would you think that?"

"I-I was wondering if maybe..." He began, his voice getting quieter by the second.
"Y-you'd like to be my mate?"

You stared at him for a moment, if cats could blush, you sure would be just then.
You could tell your body was urging you to say yes, mating season would be soon, and you were close to heat. But you wanted the reason you said yes to be by your heart, not your hormones.

Canacat looked at the ground, downcast. The silence wasn't too good for him.
You probably didn't like him, maybe you would hate him now...

"Y-yes, I would like that very much." You answered, smiling.
Canacat's head shot up, pure joy and relief in his eyes.
"Thank you!" He purred, pressing his nose against yours, you purred softly.

The two of you walked down the street like always. But this time your tails intwined.

Extended ending.


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