Chapter 4 - The Rebel

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By the time the light had worn off of me, I noticed that I was in a completely different outfit. It was a white dress with blue frills on the ends of the skirt and my sleeves. I had white gloves on my hands with an eighth note on the back of it. My boots that were now on my feet were white with hints of blue on the inside poking out from the top. Large white bows help my pig tails and seated in my hands was a black wand that looked like an eighth note with a blue jewel on the tip of it. I had to stop to check myself out for a minute before saying anything. I didn't feel any different than how I was... and my purpose wasn't clear in my head nor my heart. Disappointment ate at my insides. Even though a part of me was screaming at me that my true purpose wasn't to marry Takehiko, nothing else came to mind...

"A fine fit to be my wife." I heard Takehiko mutter under his breath. Turning to him, I noticed that he was openly ogling my body with a satisfied look on his face. Disgust made my body twitch slightly. Finally, he looked into my eyes, "But since you are under my command now, I might as well restate this: You will marry me and become my wife within a fortnight. By virtue of your origins, you will obey me."

All eyes were on me as if waiting for something to overtake me. I didn't know what it was they were expecting me to feel, but there was nothing. I had no feelings that compelled me to comply with what he just said. So I shook my head plainly and stated firmly, "No." A gasp from Kaito and Meiko as well as the guards that were behind Takehiko erupted the hollow room from my answer. A bewildered look on Takehiko's face told me that resistance wasn't something that happened often with him. Soon the bewildered look was replaced with a furious, enraged look.

"What did you just say...?" Takehiko grinded his teeth together as he asked his obviously rhetorical question. Still, to bother him further, I gave it an answer.

"I said no. I will not marry you." I repeated which made him even more furious with me. I heard the guards whispering behind Takehiko, but I couldn't make out what they were saying but Takehiko certainly heard it. He whipped around so quickly that his golden crown slipped right off his head but he didn't bother to pick it up.

"Don't just stand there! Seize her!" Takehiko pointed right at me and without a moment's hesitation, the guards followed his snappy order. They charged at me, but I defended myself with my wand, summoning up some power with knowledge that was coming straight from the codes that made me up. I fired it right at them, sending them up into the ceiling and having them fall back to the ground with a loud thud. Not wasting this time, I turned on my heel and made a run for it. Kaito and Meiko were standing at the end of the staircase with a shocked look on their faces, but I was glad they hadn't made a move to capture me. That is, until I heard, "CRV1, CRV2, don't just stand there like a bunch of fools, stop her!"

With that, Kaito and Meiko acted according to their master's wishes. They came at me with their weapons out. Even though I had my powers at my disposal, I knew it was going to be difficult to stop them when they clearly had much more experience than I did with using their Vocaloid powers. But that didn't stop me from trying. Pointing my wand at them, I managed to blow the two of them away which gave me an opening to run toward the doors. Yet, I didn't realize how quickly they would get back up on their feet. I had only taken a few steps until I saw them coming up to my right. I was about to shove them away again with my wand like I had did for the guards, but Kaito's long reach with his spear knocked the wand right out of my hand and just as I was about to dive after it, Meiko had brought her rapier up to my throat, paralyzing me to the spot.

"Why are you doing this?" I whispered to the two of them while stuck in one spot. Guilt was evident in their stares, "You were so friendly toward me...,"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2015 ⏰

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