Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Baileys POV

We followed Madison downstairs. I was the about to sit on a chair on my own, but Madison pushed me over, and sat in the chair.

I fell over onto the couch, right next to Mikey.

I glared at Madison. He winked at me, and the nodded right next to me.

Emma went and sat down next to Nick.

We decided to watch a movie. We ended up watching 'white chicks'.

That was Mikey's favorite movie. I had to admit it was hilarious!

After the movie, we were just sitting there for a few minutes.

"So what are we going to do now?" Thomas asked us.

"I don't know." Jason said. "Madison, you choose." He then added.

"Truth or dare!" He yelled, and then winked over at me and Mikey. I glared at him.

"Don't look at me like that!" Madison said to me, but only so I could hear. "You should be thanking me!" He then added.

"For what?" I practically yelled. No one really noticed though.

"Everything I'm about to do!" He said back to me.

"I swear Alamia! Don't do anything!" I say back to him.

"Hey, they don't call me the match maker for nothing." He commented, then ended our conversation.

"Okay, Madison you ask first." Nick said to him, to start the game.

"Okay, Mikey truth or dare?" Madison asked.

"Um.. Truth?" Mikey answered him.

"Okay. If you could kiss anyone in this room, who would it be?" Madison asked him, as he winked at me from the corner of his eye. I rolled my eyes, and fell farther back onto the couch.

"Duh! Vinny!" He answered, which made everyone laugh.

"No, what girl?" Madison then added to his question. I wanted to hit this kid so hard right now!

"Do I have to answer that. Either way Nicks going to kill me." Mikey answered, noting that only me and Emma were in the room.

"You got that one right" nick commented, as he wrapped his arms father around Emma. •••

"Just answer the question!" Louis yelled at Mikey.

"Fine. But you paying for my hospital bills!" Mikey said to Madison, and Madison smiled at me.

"Bailey!" Mikey then added. Everyone looked at me, and I just sat there awkwardly, until I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket.

<text convo>

Madison: told you so! ;)

Bailey: seriously just stop!

M: you can't say that his answer didn't make you happy though!

B: maybe it did. Maybe it didn't!

In the middle on that text I got another text from someone, so I looked at that next.

Mikey: who you textin? :)

Bailey: oh, no one!

M: I doubt that. I can see you texting!

B: just a person.

M: is that person Madison? ;)

B: maybe..

M: haha, texting in the same room.. smh!

B: it was important!

M: haha, okay! Thanks again for earlier.

B: anytime!

<end convo> •••

We played truth or dare for a while longer, then me and emma went back up to my room.

"So Mikey eh?" she asked me.

"oh my god! why don't you people just leave it alone." I said bak to her.

"Because you two would

Be the most adorable thing ever." She said back. I felt my face blush deep, so i fell back against my bed, and covered my face with my hands.

"Aww is someone blushing?" I heard someone say, but it wasn't Emma. It was Madison.

"Madison, just leave." I yelled at him.

"Well then I guess I won't tell you what Mikey said when you left." He said, as he turned to walk out the door.

"No, I didn't mean it. What did he say!" I yelled as I shot up from my bed, and looked straight at Madison.

"You can know some other time.. Maybe." He said and then kept walking out of my room.

"You should really learn to be nicer!" Emma joked at me.

"Oh shut up!" I said back. We talked for a little while longer, until we both fell asleep.

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