Chapter Twenty Seven

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Chapter Twenty Seven

Mikey's POV

I continued to follow Bailey all the way to the park.

She sat down on one of the swings, looking like she was waiting for someone.

A few minutes later, Chris walked up to her. She walked over to the bench, and Chris sat down next to her.

I can't believe she would still go talk to that kid after what he did, and what happened between us this morning.

A few moments later, Bailey got up and began walking away.

I was hoping she finally told him off.

I was proved wrong when Chris stopped right in front of her.

She eventually got around him, but he grabbed her wrist. I wanted to go slap him from grabbing her that hard. You could tell that it hurt her.

A few seconds later, I saw something I thought I would never see.

They kissed.

All the anger built up inside of me, finally escaped.

I screamed, and they broke apart. I realized what I did, and ran back home before they saw me. I didn't bother going back to Nicks house.

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