Thirteen Percent

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"Finally, a worthy opponent." I fixated my eyes on the dark figure walking out of the clouds of dust. This can't be good, if the witch classifies this person as a threat, you might as well claim me dead.

But, I can't prioritize my life over Saki's, I need to get her out and away from here.

"Fairy, as an agent for the marines I order you to surrender blah, blah, blah. I hate protocol." The man studied the bodies that scattered the aisles, bored. "The job done outside was messy, inside is much cleaner, and you killed three of those smug nobles. I am looking forward to this fight." He is really creeping me out and on the evil scale I'd say he ranks second to only the witch.

"Party?" Saki tilted her head to the side, clueless. "For your bounty, you're stupid, and you're a worthless piece of trash." He commented. I'll agree with him on the bounty when im done kicking his ass. But I am not accepting any insults from anyone about my sister, with the exception of myself.

"I'm sorry, but you don't have the right to criticize my sister." I warned gravely. "I don't talk to unworthy opponents." He shot back. He just dissed me! I commanded the air to create a vortex surrounding my arm. He can't diss me like that! Only the witch can! And that's because I'm her freak'n slave!

"Takumi, stop your absurdity, you cannot defeat him." At the sound of her icy voice I took a step backwards and dispersed my vortex. The witch retracted her spikes from the wall and stepped forwards, towards the man. Hey, if the witch said he's dangerous, I'm staying away, maybe I can get her to do the 'dirty work' and get revenge for me. But, then I would be stooping as low as the witch.

"Go." the witch commanded. The glint in her eyes, it was sincere, and protective... And that order... almost made it sound like she cares for us... no, just imagining things. Why would she care? She already killed me and Saki. And where does she want us to go exactly? For some reason (that I can't explain so don't ask), I looked up at the witch for guidance.

"Now, they can leave but you are my prize." That man jumped to #5 on my 'creepiest people' list. But seriously, what a pervert. Even I respect ladies as companions, he thinks of them as property.

"Nomi I will not leave!" Saki declared childishly. "Saki, just stop being stupid and go." I tried to convince her. The witch DEFINITELY isn't worth saving. The witch opened her mouth to speak,"Saki, your brain parasite in the left parietal lobe of your brain has reached it maximum potential, you only have six days left to live. Go."

Brain parasite? I looked to Saki who was as clueless as ever. Six days? She's lying! Does she think I'm that stupid! "Naomi!" I yelled, "stop lying, you gain nothing from it. Isn't that how you operate?!" There is nothing she could possibly get from out of telling me Saki is going to die, nothing!

My right arm suddenly started to burn wildly, I swear I saw a glimpse of green shoot past my arm. But this.. It felt like my arm was melting off. "Get out, trash." I glanced at my arm to find green goo eating away at my flesh. What? Acid?

"I won't let you kill her." Kid stared at Acid-dude, sternly. What the fudge is going on? Since when did Kid have a soft spot for Naomi? And who could love that black hearted witch, like seriously, get a real woman, like my Yuzuki. " Because I'm the one who's going to kick her ass, when I'm done kicking yours." He declared. He had me scared for a moment, now it all makes sense.


Kid wants to stay... I ordered them to leave. Kid isn't apart of my alliance so I have no power over him whatsoever. I need to prepare for an arduous battle. "Force Bind!" I focused my energy on Kid and I.

The marine has a humongous life force that is fortified and also a devil fruit, paramecia type, that allows him the power over acid. It is best to keep my distance while fighting. "Let's go, there's nothing we can do here." Hiroshi dragged my crew out of the auction house, I could hear Yuzuki's and Saki's shouts. I have trained the perfect pawns, strong and ambitious. "Heavenly wings!"

"Death cut!" My eyes glowed red as cut the life force from his arm. I flew up and and back flipped in mid air to avoid the incoming acid. I swiftly tucked my head down to summer salt 3 meters to the left as three more acid shots came within an inch of me.

He is agile, intelligent, and deadly. I quickly pulled my left knee to my chest to dodge the next acid shot. He is applaudable, I am given little time to counter his attacks.

Green acid struck and began to corrode my shoulder. Force Bind is not suited to defend against his acid. His devil fruit is abnormal, judging by the texture of the acid, it is probable that there is sea water fused with it, therefore my shield is ineffective against his acid.

I must end this conflict soon, if this continues for much longer I will sustain severe injuries. "Death Spikes!" dark spikes sprang from my uninjured arm and assaulted the marine. He evaded my barrage of attacks without difficulty. I am on the verge of losing this fight, I need to finish this.

"Crimso-" my headache suddenly pounded strongly and felt like I was repeatedly kicked in the back of a head by a horse. With my life force bound to me, a head ache shouldn't exist. The acid must have ate away at my at my binding, therefore a headache is present. I failed to doge the next attack aimed at my legs. The smell of eroding flesh was only worsening my headache.

My chance of defeating him are dropping rapidly, currently at 33%. "You can't be dying already, I haven't even gotten started." The acid fruit user taunted. A wall of acid swiftly rose from the ground and surrounded me, from the wall, acid bullets emerged and floated around me.

13%. This will definitely terminate me if I don't take action immediately, and what I strive for will be erased with me. Kid's life force was dim, he lost consciousness but isn't harmed.

"Crimson Death!" Time seemed to slow down in that mere second of time. Acid was flung towards me, another powerful life force entered the battle and was reaching for me, and all in a blink of my eye.


An acute shiver forced me to cross my arms to keep warm. Something must have happened to Naomi. Saki's head of hideous blue hair hastily turned to look back at that distasteful auction-dump."Bro bro, Nomi is in bad stuff." She noticed it too.

"Naomi had a 67% chance of winning against that marine. If she died, it wouldn't be a surprise." Hiroshi calculated. Naomi... dead? That statement is even more ridiculous than Takumi's Monkey face."Saki, we need to find a doctor to remove what we can of the brain parasite, or you will die as well."


"I warned you."


Saki is going to die? D;
Author: Hiroshi, never doubt your medical skills ever again, YOU CAN SAVE LIVES!!!!

Hiroshi: okay? I guess? *Hiroshi backs away from over emotional and depressed author

And also on Naomi's end, what exactly happened? Is she dead? Was she saved by that last-minute guest? Did she kill that marine jerk??? Why don't we ask Naomi! ... Wait... I can't get a hold of her on the phone, sorry.


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