Hoping Doesn't Change Anything

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The handcuffs clicked. Now I will kill everyone and escap-My eyes, my body, everywhere was burning. My vision became a purple blur. Poison. My knees dropped to the floor, the gooey poison acted as a cushion. My body will not survive for very long.

A large hand tightly grasped my arm. I am burning. My knees helplessly scraped against the cold stone. Screams echoed through the hall. We suddenly stopped. I felt the floor beneath me descend. My skin is burning off.

I cannot see, or smell or I will draw even more poison into my body. My plan did not work. But my loyal pawns will come to release me, until then I must withstand as much poison as possible.

I cannot die, I must remove all hazards near. I must destroy all beings to heal, to protect. I must get revenge for them. I cannot die until I complete my goals. But they all will die.

I'd rather escape using my own strength, but there are no options available.

"My child"

"I am not capable" The angel's voice swiftly rung. The seastone is interfering with communications with the angel, he resides in my devil fruits, in which I am cut off from. He most likely attempted to contact me to warn me about the future or scold me.

Pain suddenly shot through my body. I cannot heal my injuries, the poison is corrosive and it will break through my skin, I am getting weaker.


I dropped to the ground, drained of energy. The elevator came to and abrupt stop as I was dragged along slowly. I struggled to lift my head up to observe my surroundings. Though my violet lenses, I studied the room. There were large metal cages and dim lighting.

Many harsh voices asked questions. "Who's that?" "What did you do to get yourself in here?" "Whats your bounty?" They are most likely outlaws. Magellan lifted me roughly from the ground and tossed me onto hard, icy metal. I landed on my side. Pain wavered through my hip. My hip is certainly bruised. Whispering continued.

I was pulled by my arm. One at a time, my wrists were secured with chains against the back of the cell. I must be a threat of a high caliber to force the Warden to take such extreme caution. The keys clanged as he locked my handcuffs. Magellan's heavy footsteps soon faded.

"So, how did you end up in this place?" A voice to my left asked. It was a male, about 27 years of age. I slowly lifted my head and opened to see the man. Scruffy straw-blond hair grew from his head and sharp edges on his face casted shadows, his distant hazel eyes were on me. I shut my eyes quickly to conserve my life force.

"Magellan got to you, how did that happen?" He attempted a conversation again. I see no reason to converse with him, it will only bring me closer to death. "What's your bounty?"He will not halt until I make it clear to him. I tediously opened my eyes and glared at the man. "Where are you from?" He babbled, unfazed by my hollow glare.

I closed my eyes once more. "My bounty is 1,200,000,000 beli, now cease your questions." I explained in an emotionless whisper. I held back a moan as a second wave of pain attacked my upper body.

My eye lids felt heavy and my breathing was harsh and offbeat. I cannot stay awake much longer. Before I lose my consciousness I must use my final card. "Where I die is where the tree will sprout. It will demolish this jail and set free the prisoners. The Devil fruits will be reproduced and the new owner will be anonymous. So do not let this be my final resting place.

*Kid* (we haven't visited him in a while)

"Captain," I turned to see Killer, "Naomi Toseie, is to be executed tomorrow at 9 am." "What?!" I yelled, disapproving. I was going to kill that stupid ass fairy! She got away last time,  but this time I will beat her.

"And also, her bounty rose."

"That stupid fairy doesn't deserve a higher bounty." I growled. "It's now 1,200,000,000 beli."

"WHAT!?" How the hell did that stupid fairy get a bounty that high! 1,200,000,000 beli?! Only idiots would give a f***'n piece of shit like her a bounty so high!

I cooled my head,"I bet that stupid fairy will be at the war, I can kill her there and get revenge." She is not getting away after she damaged my reputation twice, she even had the nerve to kill me.


"Thank you officer Kazou for aiding the capture of Naomi Tosie." The official shook my hand politely, but his hateful eyes watched me. I'm still not over it. That fairy wasn't nearly as challenging as I though she would be, and I didn't even capture her on my own! That Admiral had to interfere! I was so close to winning!

"Also, the Fleet Admiral requests your presence on the front line at Marine Ford. You are no longer needed in the lab." I nodded as a smirk formed on my face. The war with White Beard will be plenty of challenge, the perfect opportunity.


This chapter was plenty boring :( kinda a filler... But Next chapter is "Escape Attempt #2" so you know what's happening *wink wink, nudge nudge, eyebrow eyebrow, cough cough.* yes, another escape attempt :)

Naomi is in a tight spot, her crew won't make it in time to save her and neither will Lu- sorry, spoiler. Anyways will her reasoning be enough to save her?




Fairy of Life and Death (One Piece Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora