45~Leave Her Out Of This

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Mackenzie's POV

I hop on Max's back once again but this time in front of the cameras for the music video.

"AND THAT'S A WRAP!" The director yells. I clap my hands and cheer before getting a mini heart attack and grabbing Max's shoulders before I fell off.

"You excited for the one tomorrow?" I ask, "I am only a background, My friend Luke is taking over in the lead but defiantly." Max says and walks towards the tent where everyone else is.

"Okay, so we will see all of you at the location tomorrow at seven, cast you need to be their by five for hair makeup and costumes." The director, Pascal says.(A/N sorry, I just love to say that name. PASCAL!! LOL)

These next few days are filled with music videos, a few more photo shoots, and A LOT of recording studio time because my album is scheduled to come out in four weeks!

I jump off Max's back, almost loosing my balance because of the sand ground.

"Hey Paul? What's my schedule like?" I ask, "Um" Paul says and shuffles through his clip board. "You have to go back to the studio for a few hours, then the boys have a concert that you will be singing at. Tomorrow you have another photo shoot, then studio, then the music video. The next day is studio music video, then the Cry music video, then the boys have another concert. The next day is all studio. Then the next day is the Run Away video.

All that in 4 and a half days? "Tell me at what time do I breath?" I joke, and look out at the already setting sun.

-Skipping Recording Studio-

I finish scribbling out lyrics for another new song and throw my head back on the couch in the greenroom. I grab the water bottle off the table and take a drink of water.

I know have 16 full songs, plus the one I sang for Simon and the producers so that makes 17 songs on the album, and four of them have music videos.

"You okay?" Brooklyn nudges my arm. I sigh and run a hand through my hair. "Yeah" I sigh, "It'll all be worth it." She says, "I know, I know." I say and get off the couch and watch the boys fool around on stage on the TV.

Brooklyn's POV

I look over at Mackenzie, who is in deep concentration. How could Wyatt do that to her? But he is right. I can't tell her. It would break her right when she needs to be her strongest.

I watch Mackenzie as she throws her head back. "You okay?" I nudge her arm.

Mackenzie's POV

"Maybe I should call Wyatt. He can comfort me." I say and take out my phone. "No!" Brooklyn says and swipes my phone like a Ninja. "What?!" I ask in surprise. "I am here, who needs Wyatt?" She asks and throws my phone on the couch.

"What is up with you? You have been acting wired since this morning." I say and put my hands on my hips. "Nothing." Brooklyn's voice gets higher.

"Nothing is going on Kenz. I promise you." Brooklyn says and puts her hands on my shoulders. I sigh, "Fine."

Wyatt's POV

It's 2:23 in the morning.

And that's when it hits me. I have been a complete ass hole towards Mackenzie. I grab onto my desk corner as I fall down crying.

I need to make it up to everyone.

Mackenzie's POV

"Well then why would you do that?" Bryson laughs through the speaker phone, "I don't know I was." I check to make sure no one is near except for Brooklyn. "Drunk" I finish off. "You were like full out making out with Jared." Brooklyn says, we are both upside down on the couch in the green room talking to Max and Bryson on speaker phone.

"Wow." Max says, "Yeah it was sick!" I hear the lads come down the hallway. "Crap! We gotta go bye guys!" I say and hang up the phone.

"Hey what are you guys doing?" Liam asks as they walk into the room.

Brooklyn and I look at each other and turn back to the lads.

"Nothing." We both say at the same time.

Far From Normal, Close To Famous, Finally At Love, And Forever A Family (1D Adopted Book 1&2&3&4)Where stories live. Discover now