67~You're Crazy!

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Mackenzie's POV

"You're crazy." I say, "No just determined." Eleanor says, "You've been engaged for almost a year and your just telling us now. That your getting married in two weeks." Perrie says, "Like I said she's crazy." I say and throw my hands in the air. "I think a beach wedding in Hawaii will look amazing." Brooklyn says, "Who's side are you on?" I whisper, Brooklyn laughs. "Your mums." She whispers back, "Do you want to go cake tasting or not?" Eleanor asks, "A chance to eat ten types of free cake I am in." I say and get off the stool and walk up the steps to the top level. "I'll be ready in twenty minutes!" I yell and Brooklyn comes in next to me. I already showered and brushed my teeth and wash my face.

I apply eye liner, mascara, blush and lip gloss. Brooklyn comes into the bathroom and I brush through my hair and leave it in its spirals and clip the front part of hair on each side of my head back and open the closet. I grab a pair of dark wash high waisted shorts and a grey and white striped cropped top. I put on my flip flops and walk into the room and sit on Max's bed. "Hey." I say and play with his hair, "Hey." He says back, "I'll bring you guys back some cake." I say and Jared sits up on his bed. "Cake? What about cake?" Jared asks, "We are going cake tasting for their wedding in two weeks in Hawaii." I say and kiss Max's cheek and stand up, "Brooklyn lets go!" I say and Brooklyn comes out of the bathroom.

We walk down the stairs and to the first floor. "Lets go!" Brooklyn says and the door to the bus opens and we get out as the lads come out of the back door of the arena we are parked at. "Where are you girls going?" Zayn asks almost worriedly, "Cake tasting, we will be back in time to go to the carnival." Perrie says and kisses his cheek. "You guys get to go cake tasting?" Niall pouts, "I'll sneak you a piece." I whisper to Niall and we get into the car.

-30 minutes later-

"I can't believe I am about to say this but I can't eat any more cake." I say and bounce Porter up and down on my leg. I look over and see Ridley typing on her phone. "What are you doing." I ask as Porter smushes her hand in a piece of cake. "Oh no no no." I say in baby talk and wipe of her hand with a napkin. "Nothing." Ridley says and glances from Perrie to her phone to Eleanor talking to the baker.

"Alright we are all done here." Eleanor says and stands up. I get up and carry Porter as we walk out of the bakery and down the street. I run my free hand through my hair and we get into the car and drive back to the arena.

We get out of the car and I hand Porter to Eleanor and wave to the screaming fans that are watching the bus. I put my sunglasses on grab the football (soccer ball) I start bouncing it on my knees. "Who wants to play?" I yell to the lads, girls, Jared Max and Brooklyn.

Niall opens a part of the bus and grabs the portable nets. We set them up and get into teams. I face Niall to start, "AHHH!!" I hear someone scream, I turn to the bus but not before quickly kicking the ball to Jared and running over to Brooklyn who is hyperventilating over by the car. "What?!" I ask and sit on the hood I the car. "Scripts for the show." Brooklyn says and puts a packet in my hands. "It's called-" I get cut off by Zayn, "Lets go to fair on the pier!" He says, I roll my eyes and get off the car. "Lets go." I say and Max grabs my hand.

We all get into the cars and they take off and go down a few streets to the same pier Max and I went to last year. We get out of the piers and we go around the pier. I take Porter from Eleanor and walk around.

"This is where sissy and Max took pictures with fans." I say and move, "And this is where sissy watched Max sing." I move again, "And this is where sissy got a cloth put over her mouth and was dragged to a car which took her to a place where very bad things happened. Don't tell mummy I told you this." I say and bounce her up and down. "Whatcha doing?" Brooklyn asks as she walks over to me. "Nothing." I drag the word on. "Come on." Brooklyn says and grabs my arm and pulls me back to the others. "Where's Zayn?" Perrie asks.

Far From Normal, Close To Famous, Finally At Love, And Forever A Family (1D Adopted Book 1&2&3&4)Where stories live. Discover now