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Karan finds the address of Esha and know that she has left for London to her sister.

Karan takes argently a flight for London and sees Esha next to him.

Esha says,"You."
Karan says,"I am really sorry."
Esha says,"You broke my and Preet's heart I hate you."
Karan says,"Do you know Preet."
Esha says,"She is my friend."
Karan says,"I want to tell you something plz listen to me."

Karan tells Esha about Mahi and their love story and asks her for a aploige.

Esha says,"Okay Fine Well I am going London to my sister you can too come with me If you want so."
Karan says,"Thanks and Really you have a big heart."

They were in Esha's house and Karan saw Divya and turns then Divya....

Divya says,"Divya!Karan you."
Esha says,"Divya Di do you know him."
Divya says,"He broke my heart."

Karan Holds Divya and Esha's leg and says Sorry girls.

They both says,"Sorry."

Karan takes his back and lefts for Paris.

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