He's changed

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Wow I haven't updated in a month but here you go I hop you enjoy and if you haven't already go read my other story "Crush?" He used to be really sweet and loving but ever since he's started drinking he's changed and now he gets so jealous over th stupidest things  and now he even hits me if I don't obey him. He always wakes up the next day with some girl next to him and me in the guest room but if I even dare to talk to a guy I get punished really badly. It's a total nightmare. I would leave him but I'm scared to see what will happen to me and after everything I still love him I know it sounds stupid to love someone who hurts you but I don't think I'll ever stop loving him I know under everything I know there is still some good in him he can't just change after a few months. Other than that going on I haven't talked to Jake sense I moved in with Myles, Dylan moved away his mom got promoted at least that's what he told me, I don't talk to any of the guys as much only when Myles is there he doesn't trust me being near other guys it drives him crazy.
Myles shouted suddenly bringing me out of my thought I quickly got up from my bed and headed to the bathroom I didn't even bother to ask where were going he already seemed in a bad mood I can ask one question he'll get furious. I don't bother him when he's in a bad mood I gets very bad quickly. I put on my gray crop top with my skinny jeans and grey Jordan's  then  I just brushed my hair and headed out. I walked into Myles room were supposed to share it but he's always bringing other girls and he doesn't want me there so it's his room.
Myles: Are you ready?
Bella: yeah um sorry to ask but where are we going?
Myles: we're going the to  Kalin's and some of the guys are gonna be there Dom's coming with Jake so you can talk to her
Bella: alright I'll be downstairs
I walked down thinking over what would happen today, every time me and Myles go to the club he gets super drunk and fucks some girl. I usually end up having to call a cab or sometimes I bring me car and go home. It's so annoying to hear their loud moans from my room. I really don't want to go but maybe sense this time were going with his friends he might not do that. I flashed out of my thought hearing Myles walking down the stairs. He grabbed his keys and we walked out. The car ride was pure silence I didn't want to say anything to make him mad. When we finally got to Kalin's Myles just opened the door and sat down. As soon as I saw Kalin I gave him a big hug I didn't even notice I was still hugging him after a while until Myles cleared his throat
Kalin: oh hey bro
They did there weird handshake and Myles glared at me. Soon after the guys and Dom arrived. Kalin kept on sneaking looks at me and when I looked over to him he would immediately start laughing about whatever Jake was talking about. His laugh was so cute I kinda missed seeing his beautiful eyes. Suddenly Myles pulled me closer to him I think he noticed Kalin staring at me because he suddenly smashed his lips on to mine it's been a while sense I kissed his soft lips. He pulled a way and leaned towards my ear.
Myles: you think I'm not noticing the little stares between you and Kalin calm it or your gonna be punished

Abusive love ( sequel to Crush?)Where stories live. Discover now