Oh god kalin

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After a while of everyone catching up playing games and eating food and me just sitting with Myles the entire time I couldn't even get up to get water he pulled me back to his side and I just sat me there with him anyways Kalin suggested we go to the club we all agreed on going and decided in which car everyone was going in. So right now we're all heading out. In one car it's me, Myles, Kalin, Dom, and Jake. In the other one it's Cam, Jack and Jack, Nate, and Sammy. I had to sit in between Kalin and Myles and Jake was driving with Dom next to him. Myles had his arm wrapped me it was awkward until Kalin decided to break the silence.
Kalin: so you guys have been dating for a while now.
Bella: uh y-
Myles: yeah
Kalin: Bella we haven't talked for a while.
Bella: yeah I've been busy with school and all you know how it is
Kalin: yeah I know plus your always by Myles
Myles: is that a problem I mean she is my girl
Kalin: no calm down I was just saying
Myles: mhm
We're finally at the club when we entered Myles held me really close to him.
*2 hours later*
I was just sitting while Myles was making out with some other girls. He's already drunk but I'm probably gonna have to drive him home so I didn't drink. I was just sitting alone while everyone else was having fun. I wasn't really in the mood to get up and start dancing I'm just thinking about Myles.
Kalin: hey Bella
Bella: hey
Kalin: are you just okay with that?
Bella: with what?
Kalin: Myles and those girls
Bella: well it's not anything new
Kalin: you just let him
Bella: Kalin sorry but I don't want to talk about Myles right now
Kalin: fine do you want to dance
Bella: I'm not in the mood
Kalin: aw come on please
Bella: Kalin I don't want to
Kalin: come on have a little fun
Bella: but i don't want to
Kalin pulled me next to him and dragged me to the dance floor.
Bella: Kalin
He brought me closer to him and we started dancing. After a few songs me and Kalin went to sit for a while.
Bella: where's Myles
Kalin: he left a while ago with some girl
Bella: oh
Kalin: do you want me to take you home
Bella: well can we go anywhere that's not my house
Kalin: sure let me just tell them were leaving
Bella: alright
I waited until Kalin came back and then we headed out.
Kalin: where do you want to go
Bella: anywhere that's not near Myles
Kalin: do want to come over to my house
Bella: I don't know
Kalin: it's been a while sense we hanged out come on
Bella: fine
He smirked and drove to his house . When we got there he opened the door for me and We went into his house. We went to his room and sat over his bed watching a movie until Kalin turned off the tv.
Bella: heyyyyy why'd you turn it off
Kalin: cuz I want us to catch up
Bella: what do want to know there's really nothing new going on
Kalin: what about you and Myles you don't act the same ever sense you guys started dating and you just let him kiss other girls like there's nothing wrong with it he left the club with another girl and you seem to be okay with it wtf
Bella: Kalin why do you care it's my relationship with him you shouldn't care about wh-
He smashed his lips into mine and I kissed him back we were in a super intense make out session until he pulled away and he started kissing my neck quickly finding my sweet spot. I was softly moaning his name as he started removing my shirt. He kissed me everywhere on my chest and my stomach probably leaving hella hickeys he unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans. He suddenly picked me up and slammed me against the wall
Kalin:you look so fucking sexy
He said in that deep raspy voice that turned me on. He ripped of my bra and panties leaving me completely exposed. Kalin: your a little over dressed for this occasion don't you think?
I nodded and took his sweatpants off. I moaned at the sight of him he was bigger then I thought he would be. He firmly grabbed my hips slamming me against the wall again. I wrapped my legs around his waist, but then he slammed into me with out warning.
Bella: oh god Kalin......faster
With that he started thrusting into me hard.
Bella: fuck....Kalin
He was thrusting as hard as possible or at least it felt like it. I was a moaning mess. He stopped and threw me on the bed only to put my legs on his shoulders and go deeper. He groaned in pleasure getting me closer. With every thrust he went deeper and faster
Bella: Kalin......I'm gonna..
Kalin: let go princess
As soon as he said that I came. I screamed a few times and arched my back in complete pleasure then he pulled out and laid down with me
Kalin: wow thank you for that princess
Bella: no thank you

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