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Enjoy, read, and vote! Xx

v i o l e t

Luck isn't on my side today.

"Fuck!" I exclaim. Like in the movies, everything is moving in slow motion.
I fall down on top of a hard surface.

Someone groaned below me.




I quickly recover, and stand up quickly.
"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to, I'm new and I'm just stressed because I don't know how to get to my-"

"Shut up. You're so annoying. I don't need to hear your shitty problems." said the mysterious guy staring at me. His eyes are so brown, and his body is so-

"You don't need to eye-rape me, just say the word and I'm all yours" he smirks. He's so bipolar! One second he's rude as hell and now he's flirting? Really?

"Save your flirt for another girl to mess with because Im sure as hell I'm not that type of girl youre thinking. " I responded.

Really though, who the hell he think he is.

"Woah, feisty" he smirks.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes.

"You have English right?" he suddenly asks right after I walk away. I didn't want to respond but I'm desperate. My class will begin in 5 minutes.

"Yeah," I dryly respond.

"Are you in Mr. Williams class?"

I nod.

"You've bumped into the right guy, daisy."

"Daisy?" I blink.

"Nah, I'm just fucking with you. Follow me."

I shrug and follow him because I have no other choice.

After 2 minutes of walking, we arrive to the class and I'm silently praying that the class haven't begin yet.

When we walk in, all eyes are on us which is not my plan to be unoticable through the school year.

"Guess like you have to sit next to me, daisy." the obnoxious boy says. I should ask for his name, orrr not.

I roll my eyes for like the third time this day.

On the good side, Mr William hasn't arrive yet.

But on the bad side, I have to sit next to the devil because there isn't any seat left.

Wish me luck.

-------------------------------------------------I'm sorry this chapter is kinda short and I didn't update for sooo long, I have a very busy life outside wattpad and I'm constantly trying to find time to write for all of you :(

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