chapter eight

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I stood there in shock and terror while the faceless man moved away a little. I could smell the rotting aroma around him. It was a large room, I could tell by the breeze and the echoing of the tall man's footsteps. It was still dark and cold and I couldn't see much, but soon my eyes got used to the dark. I don't know how, but I could see everything. "Uh... how..." i thought to myself. I now could see the man and the room more clearly. The man was very scary and honestly, I could feel the shivers going down my spine. The room was surprisingly clean, judging by the smell I thought it would be covered by layers of dust and spider webs.

The feceless man started whispering. I don't know how since he doesn't have a mouth, but I could hear the sounds coming from his direction. They started getting louder and louder, but I couldn't understand anything. Eventually they just became screams and I immediately covered my ears with my hands.

The screams soon stopped. I heard a strong, but faint voice. "You can hear me...". It was surrounded by many whispers that I couldn't understand. "Can you hear me?" It said. I nodded my head slightly. Suddenly, a couple of strange tentacles grew out of the faceless man's back. One of them reached for me. I didn't dare to move. It reached behind my ear and I felt sharp pain. He then removed the tentacle.

I blacked out.

A/N: hey guys! I'm so sorry for not posting for a week, but for some strange reason I didn't have WiFi...
So yea, this is kinda a short chapter...
I will be posting regularly  (every day or two...) now that I got my WiFi back...
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