Leon's Sacrifice

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Blaine kept his eyes on Leon as they crept through the woods between the Academy and Town. He was quiet hoping that Leon didn't noticed and stayed twenty meters back. The sun had gotten low in the sky and the space about the canopy was filled with bright red streaks of light and dark spaces of clouds and stars.
'One minute you want us to help you fight the bad guys and the next you're rushing off to do everything on your own again. God you're a handful.'

Leon suddenly stopped and Blaine paused behind some shrubbery.
Had he been noticed? He hadn't given Leon any signs that he was being followed.
'Come out Blaine.' He said not even turning around.
Blaine listened to his friend and slowly knelled up from behind his cover. 'How did you know?'
'You where way to quiet when I was in the med bay, it felt obvious that you where eves dropping, plus I could sense you. I just didn't want to stop out in the open in case we where seen.'
'So what now? Are you going to tell me to go back?'
'No. I won't stop you from following me.' Leon finally turned and faced his friend. 'Just make your self scares, there's a chance that they may kill Alexandra if they see you.'
'Then wouldn't it be safer for me to go back.'
'I'm not sure. There is still every chance that they will kill her once I hand myself over-'
'You can't do that!'
'I have no choice, Blaine. I lost her once, I won't lose her again.'

Not long after Leon was walking through the town. He glanced around every corner and at the faces of the few people he saw out this late. He knew Blaine was following him a fair way back but he dare not turn in case he gave his friend away. Leon was over cautious, he wondered if anyone he looked at that looked back at him might be an enemy? Then again what did he really know about his enemy? What was there to know about their motivations? All Leon really knew was that they had access to becoming Chaos Magic's and that they either wanted him gone, for what reason he didn't know, but it was obvious that they definitely wanted him for something.

Blaine took cover behind some containers.He had crept into the port a couple of hundred meters down from Leon and hoped he hadn't been sighted.
The sun was almost completely gone but the pier was perfectly positioned so that whoever looked down it would be glaring into it's bright orange-red rays.

When Leon reached the start of the pier he went on instant alert. There was a boat that looked like it had a large under deck section and a single man standing at the opposite end. Leon could feel more presences coming from inside the boat. He could sense Alexandra, she was alive.

'Welcome, Welcome!' The figure shouted from the other end of the pier. It was a man and he was accommodating but there was no mistaking the sound of complete control in his voice.
Leon had no way of recognising him, but if Malqua where here he would be able to tell that the manipulative monster standing only a dozen meters away from Leon was Kir.
'Where's Alexandra!?' Leon demanded. He didn't care much for the man's two sided hospitality.
'Bluntness, right to the point. I like that in a young lad. Not enough kid's these days have the backbone for such a disposition.'
'Enough screwing me around mate. I'm here for Alexandra so let her go and I will hand myself over.'
Very well,very well. Bring out the girl!' Kir's voice changed from accommodating to powerful and commanding in an instant. He didn't like being told what to do but since he still wasn't sure what Leon was completely capable of he felt it best not to agitate him.

Two more men emerged from the boat dragging an injured Alexandra by her arms. She had a bag over her head but the moment it was removed Leon knew it was her.
'Now what my friend?' Kir asked, his tone turning to a twisted manipulative question even though he knew what Leon's answer would be.
'Let her walk over to me.' He said.
'Leon?Leon is that you?' Her voice was filled with disbelief, how did he know where to find her? Or what was he planning on doing?
One of the men grimaced at the sound of Alexandra's voice, he had a black eye and a split lip, more than likely given to him by the same girl.
'It's ok, We're both going to be fine!' Leon shouted over to her reassuringly.
'So now what!?' Kir demanded again, the man clearly didn't like being ignored.
'Let her come to me, after she starts I'll come to you.'
Kir gave his men a commanding sway of his head and they let Alexandra go.

After a brief stumble she began to walk down the length of the pier. Leon followed not long after.
There was a eerie silence as the two slowly came to closer and closer to each other, but quickly Alexandra felt herself move faster when she could finally make out Leon's face.
'You can't hand yourself over.' She said as she stopped to meet him in the middle.
'I'm sorry but I have no choice.'
'Yes you do there's always a choice.' Tears where beginning to pool in the corner of Alexandra's eyes when suddenly Leon wrapped his arms around her and held her tight.
'Do you trust me?'
'Then you have to let me go.'
Alexandra felt her heart stop and her body freeze.What did Leon mean "Let him go?" He should know that she wouldn't do such a thing.
'This is something that I have to do. I'm sorry,I love you.'

Leon turned to walk away but Alexandra grabbed him by the hand as tightly as she could and refused to let go. 'Don't do this. Please.'
Leon couldn't bear to look back at her, see the tears in her eyes, tears that he had made. 'I'm sorry, but this is something that I have to do.' He muttered softly under his breath. Ina sudden movement he pulled away from her grasp and continued to walk. Alexandra didn't continue to walk away however. Instead she glared at him and was screaming in her head to run after him.

As she took a step forward Leon noticed Kir mumble something to his shoulder.
Panic rushed through every fiber of his body and he dived backwards at Alexandra.
He caught a dart in mid air that would slammed into her neck. All Alexandra could see of him was a half side of his face. He looked angry and then she say the dart in his hand.
There was a bright hot flash of red light from the other and Blaine shot out from his cover, blazing wings on his back. He covered the distance between Leon and where his cover had been in little over a second and scooped up Alexandra in his only hand. And flew off.

Leon suddenly felt a sharp pain on the back of his neck and fell on to the hard surface of the pier unconscious.
Kir stood over him and shook his head in disappointment.
'Should have listened to me' He sighed.

Blaine managed to drag a kicking and screaming Alexandra into the schools med-bay.
The nurse may have been locked up in the school dungeon but there must have been something someone could do to help her.
Kelly and Liam suddenly came storming through the doors.
'WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!' He shouted. His voice made Blaine startle for a second.
'Where is Leon!? WHERE IS HE!?'
At first Blaine was reluctant to answer but then he ignored the empty feeling in his stomach and his guilt and spoke. 'The took him, I couldn't get him out. I'm- I'm sorry.'
Liam slammed his fist down on the bed next to him in a rage and it collapsed in on itself.
'What do you mean they took him!?'
'He means exactly that!' Alexandra interjected unable to keep her mouth shut any longer. 'Whoever the hell those bastards are took Leon and we are sitting here doing nothing about it.'
'Alexandra there isn't much we can do.' Kelly said, the only one of the four who had maintained her composure.
'Yes there was! You could all could of stopped him!'
'You know ow Leon is when he sets his mind to something Alexandra. He see's it through to the end. There is no way he would have wanted to put any of us in harms way when he could have just took all the burden himself. What's important now is that we focus on finding him.' Kelly continued.

Everyone fell quiet for a moment and let go of their frustration and guilt.
Finally Alexandra spoke. She was calmer and had her normal air about her. 'You're right. It's our responsibility to find him. He would do the same for any of us, now we have to do that for him.'
'I have to go.' Liam said all of a sudden leaving the med-bay.
'Now that he's gone there's something I have to show you Alexandra.'
'What is it?'
'I'll tell you on the way.'
The two left, leaving Blaine to go back to bed and rest.

Malqua found himself in Kellam's office with Liam not long after.
The tension was awkward between the two but it was made all the worse by Kellam who looked at the two with a cold and serious glare right into their eyes.
'There is a very serious reason why I called you here Malqua.' The old man spoke somberly.
'What is it?' He asked.
'Leon has been taken by the people that you where working for.'
'What? Then why are we just sitting here!?'
'Getting him back from them will be far more difficult than you think. If we are to get him back then we will need as much information as you can give us and I want to create a two man task team dedicated to getting our young friend back. That team is the two of you.'
'Are you sure that's a bright idea, given our history?' Liam asked, he was concerned that he and Malqua would have too much between them to set their differences aside to look for Leon.
'There are things between you in the past and I know Malqua doesn't remember, but there is one thing that changed both of your lives for the better. Leon. That boy came into both of your lives and turned everything around, he is the reason any of us are here. I know that you can put your differences aside for a common cause like finding your dear friend.
'No matter what it takes.' Malqua interjected. 'We will do what it takes to find Leon.'

Meanwhile Kelly had led Alexandra all the way down to the schools dungeon. The guard had recognised Kelly from when she helped them escort their current detainee down there. The place was cold and it was dark outside. The only light came from the flaming magical torches that hung on the wall giving on barely any warmth. Kelly stopped Alexandra when they came to the cell that they where looking for. It wasn't faraway from the cell where Orland had been murdered hours before.

The sole occupants ears pricked up as the door swung open. Then old nurse looked up at Alexandra and let a sinister smirk for at the curve of her lips. 'Come to beg me for information.' She sounded arrogant and as if she felt completely threatened by the two people who had just walked into the room.
Alexandra stepped away from Kelly and grabbed the nurse and threw her against the wall. Beg? No when I'm done with you you will tell me everything.'

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