Chapter Twelve

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-Chapter Twelve-

*Ty's POV*

I can't believe I did it.

I proposed to Sky.

He was silent for about a minute. Is he going to say no?

Then, he started crying so much, it looked like there were streams on his face. In the midst of his tears, he croaked out a small, "Yes."

I grinned. He seemed to have gotten courage from my smile, and started yelling. "Yes! Of course, Ty!"

I stood up and he ran towards me, hugged me tight, and kissed me smack on the lips.

Tears started spilling from my eyes, as well. Tears of pure joy and happiness.

I put the ring on Sky's finger. He smiled.

The sun cast its final rays out over the land, making the sky a deep purple-pink.

I took Sky's hand in mine, and we walked back home.

*Sky's POV*










Ty just proposed.

I said yes.

We're engaged.

I felt like I was going to explode. My feels are overloading.

The guys will be so happy! I hope...

I looked at Ty, who was looking at me, a grin still plastered on his face.

I smiled at him, and pecked him quickly on the cheek.

We continued the walk back home, hand in hand, our fingers intertwined with each other's.

*Seto's POV*

"Ahh!", I yelled as a squid tentacle wrapped around my ankle.

I sliced at it with my diamond sword, but missed, and ended up making its grip on me tighter.

I said a spell which was to burn it.

I ran as it screamed in agony to help Kermit, who was at the end of the hallway, unconcious.

I felt someone- or something- behind me. I turned around and it was a girl.

Not who I was expecting.

She smiled at me, but I am pretty sure it was fake.

She had dark blue hair, dark blue eyes, and she looked to have more than one row of teeth.

My eyes widened. I was saying a spell, but she caught what I was doing and slapped me before I could finish.

In turn, that made me stop.

"I am Squidellia. I was sent here by the squid king, Nega Squid. I wouldn't try to kill me, as I actually quite hate him.", she said, all the while looking at her nails.

I stood up straight. "So, you're good?", I asked. I wasn't letting my guard down.

She nodded and held out her hand. I shook it, and suprisingly, she didn't do anything bad to me.


So Squidellia is turning good! :D

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Or, Chaoticmonki/Cryaotic x Pewdiepie!

I'll get started on that soon. :)

Thanks for the support!


Budder, Love, And Death (A Skylox FanFic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora