Chapter One: The Past

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             I was always sure I’d lived perfectly, almost live as if I were in a dream because it wasn't as bad as it could have been. I tried to look on the bright side of things, but then I realized that we were in reality and life’s not a dream.

            My name is Remisa Bulton, I am currently 8 sweeps old but my story really began when I was 4 sweeps old,  I loved drawing, singing, and writing, and I still do but, I havent been able to write or draw or sing for a while now. I decided to walk through the woods of the Land of Forests and Storm where I resided. My shoulder length black, wavy hair blew in a slightly cold breeze as I sat in the forest. My pointed teeth digging slightly into my lower lip as I drew pictures of me and my lusus in the mud. Beautiful flowers were blooming in this time, so the forest looked so pleasant. Maybe i'd pick some for Deer mom, It was so peaceful and quiet. But soon that peace would come to an end.

            It had all happened so fast, I was full of joy and happiness, picking flowers for my lusus in the forests of my land, when I felt myself being tugged by the collar of the back of my shirt and flung into the air. I looked back to see my lusus flinging me onto her back as she ran through the woods, her hooves tapping hard against the ground.

             I gripped to her white, soft fur, unknowing of where we were going or why. I heard a distant scream, then another, and then another. I began to worry, but we stopped at my hive, my Deer lusus looking around frantically. I hurried inside, packing a few important things and running back to meet her outside. I knew we had to go; there was an atmosphere around this place screaming it to me. I heard shuffling in the trees and jumped back onto Deer moms back, as she quickly began galloping through the brush faster.

            I remember hearing the sound of gunshots, disturbing laughter, and screams growing louder from behind us, flames began to engulf the forest. I was young, only four sweeps to be exact; I didn’t understand at first what was going on but soon I would.

            I heard the sound of the gun firing near by, then heard the cry from my lusus, the brown blood spilling out from her neck as she spun around, flinging me off her back and falling on top of me. I cried out, her heavy body covering my waist down. I heard another shot and her body twitch on top of mine. I tried to move out from underneath her, but I was far too weak. Her blood pooled around her and onto my clothes and skin.  I cried out again, scratching at the dirt covered ground. I heard chuckling from behind me, but I didn’t want to know who it was. I closed my eyes, trying to climb out from underneath my dying lusus. I felt her body twitch atop of mine again, and I began to weep. This day had started out fine but now this!  I felt my hair being tugged and a kick to my face, I slowly open one eye, to see three faces hovering above me, covered in shades of lowbloods blood…

            “Look at this fucking shitblood, how pitiful she looks”

            “Ha man, so fucking disgusting, she should be happy that were ridding her land of these pathetic lowbloods.”

            I tried to hold back my tears, but it was hard not to cry when your lusus had just been shot and you were going to die soon. I feel another kick to my face, my nose now gushing blood.

            “Look at that disgusting filth you bleed!” another one shouted, stepping on my head, forcing my face down into the blood soaked earth. He laughs, repeatedly kicking my head. I groan, flailing my arms and grabbing onto his ankle.

            “Oh the little one has some fight in her I see” one of them cooed.

            I screamed, digging my nails into his skin, he pulled his leg back shouting nonsense at me as he grabbed my hair pulling me out from underneath my probably dead lusus and tossing me hard onto the ground again. “What should we do to this little bitch!?” he called out to the other two, they mumbled something and then I felt my dirt covered, bloody face being pulled up to look into the deep blue eyes of one of the trolls.

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