That Jerk - (iKon - Jinhwan)

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I've always hated this guy with every fiber in my body. Every single little thing he did would piss me off. 

Him acting cute, him being nice and caring- it all seemed so fake to me. He has never managed to convince me that all of this is real.

The real reason why I don't trust him is because of all the teasing I had to go through: 'Ah Liek, you're so tiny- won't you ever grow?'. He always had to tease me about my height, it's not fair since he since only a few centimeter taller then me.

"Annyeong Liek" his cheerful voice says.

I don't even bother to look up as I continue to read my book. If there's something I would never like it would be him. 

Besides I was just trying to catch up with my reading before class would be starting, I wanted to finish the series before he last movie would come out. But when he sticks around I would never be able to finish the damn book.

"Did you hear the teacher rearranged the seats" he questioned, causing me to shrug since I still don't care. "Liek" he softly said, grabbing the book from my hands. "you're my new seatmate".

From the outside I might have seemed okay, as if nothing was going on- but from the inside I was screaming in frustration, ready to pull the hair out of my head and poke my eyes out. It might seems a bit much but I really don't like this guy anymore.

"Give it back" I complain, trying to get my book back- as if he would ever read the Hunger Games. The book is too good for him.

Suddenly a wide grin spreads on his features as he holds it above his head. "Ah come and get it shorty" he snickers.

All I could do was give him the evil eye, that was until my body decided to react otherwise. I stood up as I approached to get the book back.

"Kim Jinhwan," I shouted as I tried to corner him, then one good hit and I would have my book back. "you are 4 centimeters taller then me, you heard me? Only 4, so don't act all tough and give it back" I continue.

The smile on his face only widens more as he hears me complain, putting one hand sassily on his hip while the book was up in the air.

"Ah you're no fun Liek, what happened? You got so boring after high school".

See that's why I don't trust this guy anymore. He acts all innocent and nice to others but to me, no he still acts like that annoying kid like he always does.

"Want to know what happened, you happened. Get out of my face will you" I mutter as I take the final step towards him- I now got him cornered.

But instead Jinhwan grabs my arms and spins us around, this time cornering me. 

My eyes widen in shock as he steps even closer to me, our faces only a few centimeters apart. Jinhwan only smirking, still with my book in the air. 

"Still want me to get out of your face, or maybe just a little closer".

Against my will I start to feel how the blood rushes to my cheeks. 

"Yes get out of my face".

Jinhwan lowers his head a little to look me in the eyes, a cheeky smile on his face. His hand suddenly caressing my cheek. I don't even know what's going on here.

What is he planning to do, pretend to kiss me and makes me look like an idiot in front of the entire class. I won't let him do that to me.

"You mouth says one thing but your mind wants something else" he continues. 

I put my hands on his chest as an attempt to push him away but it's not working. He's too strong as he doesn't move an inch.

"My mind wants to read the book, thank you very much" I reply coldly, looking back into his eyes. His perfect brown eyes.

Jinhwan's lips curl into a smile. "Oh come on Liek, drop the hate act. We both know how excited you are to be my seatmate. We will finally be close again like we were in high school" he snickers.

He must have gone to a different school then I did. We have never been close because he never stopped teasing me for crying out loud. It was always the same thing every single day.

"Yes sure, we were the best friends ever, now let me go and beg the teacher to make me change seats with someone".

This time he raises his eyebrows a little confused. "But you always stare at me, you know what they say right? There's a fine line between love and hate".

His hand sliding down from my cheek towards the back of my neck, bringing our faces even closer together- all until our lips suddenly touch.

My eyes widen in shock as he pulls me into a warm embrace. 

How is this the same Kim Jinhwan as years before? He should be a jerk to me, he should tease me about being short instead of kissing me randomly before class starts.

"Yah don't look so shocked, you really didn't know why I teased you all these years" he asks. I simply shake my head, still to shocked to properly respond. "It's because I have a crush on you. A pretty obvious one as well, everyone knew but you. Ah how cute, little Liek didn't noticed it" Jinhwan chuckles pinching my cheek.

Pressing a little kiss on my forehead.

"You are so precious and so clueless" he jokes.

I want to stomp on his feet or scream in his face but I'm still trying to process all of this. I still don't understand what just happened.

"Yah" I manage to say.

Before he can say anything to embarrass me anymore, I quickly stand on my toes - for the 4 centimeter distance - and press another kiss on his lips.

"Ah she likes me back" Jinhwan shouts to his friends.

As I hear the cheers behind him, I can't help but smile a little. Who knew this little bastard was actually not that bad.

"But Liek, I really like you- or should I say that I Liek you" he snickers.

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