| Talk to Me | Boys24 - Jin Sungho |

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| Before you start reading this, I want to point out that this is not like my usual fluffy one shots. I tried to make an angst one shot, I hope it turned out right. Love Liek |

"You never listen to me, why are we even together" she yelled as she threw the door closed, she was done with it all and mostly with him.

They have only been together for a year but their relationship had their ups and downs, but they never had one like today. 

"Maybe because you talk too much" he yelled back as he opened the door she had closed earlier. "Because when I'm home, all I hear is your voice over and over again".

She bit her lower lip, feeling the tears that threaten to fall.

There was a weird feeling going through her stomach, it felt like she was about to explode with emotions. But the one that was mostly present was anger, anger that he was actually talking to her like that.

Her friends had warned her for him, that he is cold and rude. However when he opened up to you, he is the sweetest guy you'll ever meet- although she wonders where that guy is right now.

"Maybe that's because I actually talk about my day unlike you, all you do is bury your head in those notebooks" she shot back.

He scoffed, moving his hand through his hair in frustration. 

"At least I'm following my dream instead of settling for less".

That hit her hard, it was not that she actually chose to work as a waitress. It was just that life had a different plan for her then she had.

She squeezed her hands into fists, done with everything he had said so far.

Done with him.

"Your are such an asshole" she yelled as she threw a nearby couch pillow at him. "I hate you, it's over".

Sungho looked up at her as she showed her an annoyed smirk, "should I help you pack your stuff then, the faster you can leave me alone" he said as he licked his lower lip tauntingly.

That was the final drop.

She pushed his chest, causing him to fall on the couch before storming towards their shared bedroom.

Once inside she wondered what all went wrong, why this is all happening. Why she fell for him, why he was acting this way.

All she knew it that she had have enough.

She leaned against the door before sliding down to the floor. Hugging her knees she finally let the tears fall, as she sobbed quietly. Not wanting to let Sungho know how much he had hurt her.

When they fought he has the tendency to come across as rude and mean when he doesn't mean to. But this time it seemed different, it seemed as if he was serious about what he said.

"I should pack" she said with a soft whisper, standing up.

She walked towards the closed to pull out her suitcase- throwing it on the bed to open it. However there was still something inside the suitcase.

When she saw the content of the suitcase she felt more tears fall from her eyes, rolling down her cheeks and onto the picture. It was a picture of her and Sungho, they were sitting in the sand of a local beach. He had his arm wrapped around her shoulder while he was kissing her lovingly. It hurt her when she realised she won't have another one of those moments with him anymore.

Not wanting to have this very memory, she placed it on his pillow- hoping that once he sees it he would feel regret. That he would realise how he hurt her.

After that she took out her clothing and tossed it in the suitcase, not feeling like folding anything. Her head was set on leaving as fast and as quietly as possible, although her heart wanted her to stay.

With a soft sob she closed the closet.

"What are you doing" she heard a soft voice say.

When she turned around she saw Sungho standing in the doorway, an confused facial expression decorating his face.

She wanted to say so many things but nothing came out- she was biting her lower lip to stop the tears from falling.

"Why are you packing your things" he asked, seeing how still she kept. "What are you doing" he repeated as he slightly raised his voice.

Immediately regretting doing so when he saw how she reacted, she looked so small.

"Why are you doing this to me".

He wanted to walk towards her but stopped himself when he saw her looking at him.

"Me doing this to you" she yelled, her voice filled with hurt. "You are the one who basically wanted to pack my suitcase for me, the faster I pack the faster I go".

She couldn't keep it in anymore as the tears rolled down her cheeks.

Sungho was shocked to see her in this way, he didn't mean anything he said to her. He was caught in the moment and yelled stupid things he regrets.

Without holding back, he pulled her into a hug- not wanting to let her go.

"Let me go asshole" she yelled, hitting him with her fists.

"Not until you stop crying" he said softly, taking the beating he got from her. "We both know that you mean the world to me, I'm letting you slip away from me".

By now she stopped hitting him, but the tears didn't stop.

"You want me to leave, you don't want me here anymore" she managed to say between hiccups.

"I can't believe you took that seriously" he whispers, "I didn't mean it dumb dumb, you know I say things that I will regret when we are fighting. I'm under a lot of stress and I hate myself for taking it out on you".

Sungho comfortingly rubbed her back, wanting her to stop crying.

He never wanted to see her cry, only happy tears.

"I love you, please don't go".

She looked up and saw the hurt in his eyes.

"You are such an idiot" she said with a faint smile as she wiped away his tears, "talk to me if something is bothering you".

"I will, really. I love you too much to lose you" he told her as he roughly wiped away the tears. He didn't want to cry, but the fear of losing her became so real that he couldn't keep it in anymore.

"I love you too, now smile" she told him as she stood on her toes to kiss his forehead. "I'm not leaving you".

He managed to smile faintly at her, kissing her softly.

"I'm sorry".

She looked up at him, glad that he walked into the room before she could leave. If she left, she would have regretted it.

Because no matter what, he had stolen her heart.

Because no matter what, he had stolen her heart

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