Math Class

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I sat at the cleanest desk I could find, A pretty girl with a cute skirt confronted me, "What are you doing?" I grinned "I'm sitting at my desk but if you mean what am I doing after school then the answer is nothing, why do you ask? Do you wanna hang out after school???" She scowled at me showing her shiny white teeth."I MEAN, why are you sitting at my desk??" "But it's the beginning of the year, we can sit wherever we want." "Give me that seat!" I sighed, "Fine," I stood up and sighed, all the good seats were taken now. I ended up sitting at the very back of the class next to a boy who was scratching his name in his desk. I peered at the writing, "Hi Jabk." He hit his head against the desk, "It says JACK!" I frowned, "Oh." I suddenly realized how stupid I must have sounded. "Er, nice to meet you Jack."
I looked into his deep blue eyes, I looked at his short brown hair.... And I realized this wasn't a boy, it was a girl! I wanted to keep my mouth shut but curiosity got the best of me. "What's your real name?" Jack raised her head, and gave me an icy glare, "Jackie, but don't you dare call my that! I hate it." I nodded, the teacher finally entered the room, his wavy blonde hair made him look way younger then he was. he smiled warmly at the class scanning for new students, "Lets start by saying our name and a bit about ourselves." He pointed to the mean girl who took my desk, "would you like to start?" she Smiled "of course Mr. Peterson!" she slowly stood and said with superb projection "My name is Fiona. I am 14 years old which means I'm older then a lot of you dweebs and.., oh yes! my father created rainbow loom and we are totally loaded with cash!" Mr. Peterson's kind smile faded into a look of pure sorrow. He sighed "You at the back! you're next!" Jack slid her desk away from her and stomped to the front of the class, making sure to bump as many children as possible! "I'm Jack, I hate anything happy and I hate love, in fact, I love to hate the meaning of love. My parents must think I have a weird problem cuz they take me to a lot of psychiatrists. My teachers say I'm a genius but I don't think I am. They say I have an IQ of 167 but I think I'm dumb. and that's it!!!" Fiona scowled, "FREAK!" Jacks eyes glowed, "Don't call me that!" Jack raised her finger at Fiona, leaning close. "If you call me a freak ever again.... I WILL murder you in your sleep and hurt your entire family!" Fiona grinned "Freak." for a split second, everything was okay. but as Jack reached for the knife in her pocket, I knew someone was going to get hurt. "Jack! She's just a brat, she isn't worth it!" I saw Jacks Face soften. She put the knife back in her pocket and walked back to her desk. No expression. just another zombie. I made a pledge that day. I was going to help her as best I could. I felt like I would die unless this person that I just met, was happy.

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