Chapter 1

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Growing up in England had its advantages but one place I have always dreamed of going to is Los Angeles. Last year, I started watching many YouTuber's online, most of them also live in LA and it just seems to be the coolest place in the whole world. While most teenagers will start planning when they're next going to get pissed at a local nightclub, I spend my evening watching a video about how one guy in LA spends time with his friends. And I also get to hear his grandfather impersonation which always makes me smile. Just the way he communicated with his fans and his glowing green eyes that often seemed to change colour slightly in the light, my god, he's one attractive fellow. If only I knew Joey Graceffa in real life, now that would be incredible.

"Grace, GRACE! Wake up, you've got a job, remember!"

The loud voice of my ever so gracious mother make me jump up from my bed in shock. Man, it was just another dream of me being in Joey's arms. Like that's ever going to happen.

Slowly but surely, I got dressed, ready for another boring shift at Morrisons. Yes, I work in a supermarket, go me. I thought I would be fine if I never went to college, Joey helped me to make that choice. I wasn't smart enough or had the patience to go to university plus nowadays, it costs you an arm and a leg just for the first year.

My phone rang. It was my best friend, Rachel who also worked in Morrisons with me.

"Wassup, loser?" I yelled through the phone, hearing her laugh on the other end.

"Not much, wondering if Mrs Graceffa requires a lift to work." Rachel teases me all the time about my fascination with Joey. She's the only person I know around here who also watches his videos, probably because I forced her too.

"She does indeed. Not to work though, to an airport so I can escape this place for good!" I groaned.

"Can I join you?" She asked, with the same tone in her voice.

"Of course, girl! You're my homie!" With that, I hung up and went to get some breakfast.

With a bowl of cereal in my hand, I walked over to my laptop and went onto YouTube. A new Luke Conard video had appeared on my subscription list. He was one of Joey's best friends in LA, infact I've hardly ever seen those two apart for more than a day. I clicked on it and watched the video.

Luke here with an update! He said as he spun around in his office chair. Every YouTuber had their phrase, that was his.

So I'm about to record a brand new music video for you guys, I've been writing with Alex, Jason, Peter Hollens and Landon Austin recently and the music we have is pretty tight, it's gotta be said.

We're all appreciate our fans support throughout the many years we've been making videos so we would love to give you guys the opportunity to meet us and be in our new music video.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Fans to appear on his new music video, in LA?! This is the opportunity I need to leave this dump!

You can create a character or even perform with us if you're a musician yourself, doesn't matter, it will be great to finally say thank you to the person who has been such a loyal fan to us. If you would love to be a part of our music video, travel to LA and meet up with the whole crew, then leave a comment down below saying who your favourite YouTuber of all time is or post a video response showing us your talent or tell us about what YouTube has done to you in your life. You have till the end of this month, the competition is open internationally and if you win, accommodation and flights will be provided for you. And you'll get bonus points if you mention me as your favourite.

There was an awkward silence for a while. Then Luke moved his arms up and down.

Raise da roof! You know I'm kidding guys. If you want any more details about the competition, I'll put it down below and if you like this competition idea, give it a like and hopefully we'll see you in June! Thanks for watching, check out Lukes Arcade and my music channel, click the links here and I'll see you guys soon. BYE!

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