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i love hot chocolate

New chat with tyjo

tyjo: well hello there 19 year old male from columbus

spooky jim: if this isnt the guy i just met on omegle then please leave me alone

tyjo: it should be pretty obvious that its me

spooky jim: prove it to me......

tyjo: *picture attatched* [their omegle convo on tyler's computer screen]

spooky jim: hello there person that isnt a scientist so cant understand internet slang

tyjo: this is harassment

spooky jim: everything could be considered harassment in a way

tyjo: idk if thats a deep af quote or the stupidest thing ive ever heard

spooky jim: lets just say its a sneak peak at what my mind is like

tyjo: well in my head youll just see dick

spooky jim: if thats your way of saying youre gay then ill have to find a better way so i could top you

tyjo: you could top me anyday ;))))

spooky jim: i did not sign up for this

tyjo: but you did sign up to fuck me in the ass ;;;)))))))
read 1:36am

tyjo: hello ???
sending... 1:45am

tyjo: your phone better just be dead cause if you blocked me i swear
sending... 1:52am

tyjo: ill cry!
sending... 2:03am

tyjo: can i sing you back to me?
sending... 2:07am

tyjo: *video attatched* [tyler singing a made up song about spooky jim]
sending... 2:08am
delivered 2:09am
read 2:09am

spooky jim: i unblock you and find this?!! this is a disgrace!

tyjo: i know i suck at singing i wasnt even trying there please dont hate me !!!!!!

spooky jim: this has nothing to do with your singing....

tyjo: im confused....

spooky jim: YouRe sO FUckiNg AdORablE

tyjo: HDOWKW WHAT?!?!!


tyjo: well if you get to see me then send me a selfie

spooky jim: no i dont look good rn

tyjo: you dont have to look good rn send me a previous selfie or something

spooky jim: im trying to help you here. i want to send one from the camera so you know im not some creepy old man

tyjo: oh yeah..... i forgot you could be a creepy old man... now im scared i just sent you a video of me singing!

spooky jim: im totally gonna masturbate to it later

tyjo: k but dont get caught thats always awkward af

spooky jim: i live alone. shouldnt be too hard

tyjo: ThATs wHAt sHe SaId!1!2!!1!!

spooky jim: blocked

this is such shit ????

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