Chapter Seven.

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Hey Guys! Sorry I haven't been updating a lot lately. I don't have internet yet :( So I have to go through this big process of putting it on a flashdrive and going to the library and trying not be embarassed when people walk by and see that I'm looking at boyxboy. (Small town=a lot of homophobes)

Picture to the side is of Justin. Mr. Sexy Beta Guy :P

Maddox POV

I was lost in myself. All I could feel was his lips against mine and the heat of the moment. Warmth radiated off of me to the point it was embarassing. Cass was chilled, but my body against his was enough to make even a vampire feel warm. I could tell by the way his breath came out in pants that he felt the Touch as strong as I, maybe even stronger.

His grey eyes were filled will so much undisguised lust that it made me moan as he looked down at me. I saw a flash of guilt in his eyes, but then it was gone. He placed his forehead against mine, his minty breath hitting my cheeks. Then, leaning up, he gave me a different kind of look.

A look that made me want him to bite me.

I swallowed hard, but barely hesitated to turn my head to the side, showing my vampire mate the ultimate vulnerability. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him lick his lips as he leaned in, his fangs centimeters from my soft flesh. I closed my eyes expecting to feel pain. Instead, all I felt was hesitation in Cass's movement. I opened my eyes to see Justin standing behind my mate with a disgusted look on his face. His mouth moved as he shouted, but adrenaline was coursing through my veins and I couldn't here what he said.

Then, as quick as it had gone, my hearing was back and I could think straight. I looked up at Cass and his annoyance as he looked to my Beta was clear. I wanted to punch Justin in the face, but I couldn't. I could feel my cheeks redden as Justin stared hard at me, then at Cass. It was filled with disappointment, but behind that emotion was jealousy. I could sense it in the air from one wolf to another. I could feel his thoughts.

I could hear Justin growl, but he brushed it off as a cough. "Alpha Nathers," he addressed formally, as if that lustful moment between Cass and I had never occurred. "The pack in question, the one we are on the verge of civil war with, have requested a formal Counsel." He looked to me with doubt. "We will deny them if-"

"No," I interrupted. "If they want a meeting with the pack leaders, then we'll give them one." Cass must have noticed how my voice cracked because he had a smug look on his pale face. His straight teeth were tempting, but not in Justin's company.

Justin turned somewhat away, looking to the ground as if it were his savior. "You realize they'll be other Alphas there, Maddox. It will be a very," he searched for the word, "heated meeting." I swallowed, knowing exactly what he meant when he said that. I wasn't sure whether to be insulted or thankful for my beta's view on me.

"I know," I retorted. "Who cares if all the other Alpha's are more buff than me. I'm still the Alpha of the Moon Runners pack. They'll respect me."

Cass looked down on me with a raised brow. "So all Alpha's aren't fun-sized?"

If I were drinking a water, it would be splayed all over him right now. I was not fun-sized. Maybe to him, but that was just hurtful. "I may be small for an Alpha, but that has nothing to do with my capabilities."

A grin errupted on Cass's face. "That's good to know."

The tips of my ears were blazing, but our moment was ended, again, by my nosy, protective Beta. "I'll let the Alpha of the Moon Treaders pack know immediately of your decision, Maddox." I turned to him expectantly, but he remained standing in the doorway.

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