Its Carter's Grandmother's Birthday

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"So... What song should we do?" I asked my friends. We were entering our school competition and we were supposed to write our own song, perform it, record it, and send it in . Carter wrote one (it was horrible), Winter wrote one too (it was... Owhkkkaayy, the tune was nice but the lyrics were horrible) and J.J wrote one too (yea hers was ohkay. Nice lyrics, horrible tune).

"I guess we should do Winter's. I mean the tune matters more right?" Carter said.

We were in our school recording room which had all the instruments and mics. We took our time because school was over and the principle was the only one there.

"NO CARTER. THE LYRICS MATTER JUST AS MUCH," I put my hands on his shoulder giving him the I-am-yoda-listen-to-me-fool look.

"Maybe we can use J.J's lyrics in my song?" Winter suggested.

"But it doesn't fit though," J.J frowned, "Corey, why didnt you write one huh?"

"I dunno, I tried they all sucked," I shrugged.

"Wait-they all?" Winter raised an eyebrow, "You actually wrote some?"

"Uuhhhh..." I made with a high pitched tone, "Maybe, yeah."

"Then show us one," Carter said.

"Ummm..." I took out the papers from my bag. I wrote three of them. I handed a paper to each of them.

They took time observing it and switched the papers among themselves.

"This one is nice," J.J handed me a song after they discussed about my three songs.

I took the sheet and saw that they chose my first song Me and Reality.

"Um, this one is the worst to meeeeeeee," I draged the 'e's.

"Sing it first, bro," Carter told me.

I nodded slowly. I took the sheet and played the chords on the guitar,

"Me and reality we just dont mix

Im not bothered when time ticks

Me and reality

Im avoiding gravity

I need a remedy

Me and reality

Their tryna keep me in lane

But Im going insane

Cuz me and reality

We dont mix" I completed the chorus.

"Thats cool!" J.J clapped when I finished.

"Thanks," I grinned.

"LETS DO THAT ONE THEN!" Carter spoke loudly.

"Lets try, Corey, you can sing, J.J and I will be back up," Winter annouced not that we didnt know.

"Okay so, I will start, then you guys can come in after the chorus, you guys know the chords right?" I asked.

"Sorta... G-C-E minor-and D, right?" Carter asked.

"Yeah," I answered. Winter played the keyboard cuz she was horrible at guitar, Carter played base guitar, And yeah, J.J ruled the drums.

So I began as before the whole practice turned out okay since it was the first time and they didnt know the verses, pre-chorus and bridge.

We practiced singing after that untill they knew how it sounded. We then decided that we should try recording the song and thats what we did. Winter had the mics set up and the recordings went to her laptop as she saved it and put it into a writable disc.

"We have to send this in right?" J.J asked while inserting her galaxy drumsticks to the strap below her knee, "To Ms.Aidlyn."

"Yeah we do," I answered her, "I'll give it to her tomorrow."

After writing down our names and the title of our song on a piece of paper, I put that paper inside the disc cover and stuffed it into my bag.

"I trust you to not loose it," Winter told me.

"I have to go guys, I have drums class," J.J told us.

"Yeah, I have to go too, I have to chaperone my twin baby brothers," Winter sighed.

"See ya guys," I waved as they left with their belongings.

"You wanna hang out at my place?" I asked Carter.

"Can't, I have to go to my Grandmother's birthday celebration," Carter frowned at the thought of it.

"Kay, see ya," I waved to him and exited the recording room as I headed out of school and went on my way home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2016 ⏰

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