Chapter 1

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Chapter one

They say that eyes are the windows to one's soul but he had no soul.
He sat in front of me. His raven black hair was kept neat and pristine, tucked beneath a pale yellow top hat. Cold coal like eyes watched my every move. He did not speak, just observe.

The room was bright, not a shadow could be seen. White walls surrounded me, they taunted me. I could feel their gaze prickling my skin, thickening the air around me.

My arms were bounded to table in front - the only barrier between us. The coolness of metal sent shivers down my body. The familiar taste of metal stained my lips. The dull feeling of my face throbbing was normal, so was the echoes of laughter that came with it.

The room was silent, not a word was spoken but the air around us would've said otherwise.
"Would you like some tea?"
His deep chilling voice echoed, shattering the invisible glass wall that separated us. The thick air disappeared, replaced by silent screams.

I remained muted and continued to stare at the metal table. His face - although calm and stoic- twitched and in an instant my stomach dropped. He leaned back, fingers drummed against the table. His face blank.
"You know it's rude not to answer someone's question?"
I kept staring at the table the in front of me. The silence continued.

A short knock on the door broke the forever silence between us.
"Oh, I wonder who that could be?" He questioned, but I knew who it was. He knew it too. It was the same person every time. But the question was what 'present' was he bringing this time. Was it going to be the fork from last week? the tea cup? Or my personal favorite, sweet hallucinogenic cookies.

He got up from his chair and walked casually towards the door. His black polished shoes clicked against the tiled floor with every step. He opened the door and repeated his scripted lines. He patronized me with each word, it was a past time that he could never grow old of.
"Oh, look Alice. Mr. March is here and look he even brought a present for our tea party!"
He opened the door wider and Mr.March walked through the doorway whilst pushing a trolley. I lifted my head up to inspect the so called presents he brought with him. On top of the trolley I saw only a porcelain white teapot. I lifted my eyes away from the teapot and started to inspect Mr.March. His soft chocolate brown hair was still curly and unkempt. His mismatch coloured eyes were different colours now, pink and blue instead of the usual shocking neon yellow and green. His polka dotted orange bow tie was crooked. His plum jacket sleeves were bunched up together and his signature psychotic smile was plastered on his face. But despite that he still had that boyish charm.

I remember the time when he used to be a brilliant man. A man that would have gotten a father's approval by just one look of him. The type of man that only did business if he knew it was for the good. Honest, powerful and pure, that's what he was. Until he came along and took advantage of him, twisting his mind. Making him break down to the man he was now. A man at first glance people would put in the asylum. I knew Mr.March wasn't the person to blame for being in the state he was in, the raven black haired man in front of me was. I kept staring at Mr. March until a deep voice broke me out of me reminiscing the past.

"Don't you think it was very thoughtful of Mr.March to bring teapot to our tea party Alice? But sadly Mr.March didn't seem to bring any tea cups with him. Oh well, we'll just have to make do without it won't we now Alice?" My gaze turns towards him. His lips curled up into sickening sweet smile. I knew what was going to happen but I was not exactly sure how. He grabs the teapot, holding it up closer to my ear. I hear the inside of the teapot sizzling. Tea doesn't sizzle.
His smile grows wider; his eyes start to light up. I can see his pupils were dilated.

He's getting closer. I can see it, he's almost there.

"I know how we'll drink the tea, I'll pour the tea into your mouth." He says with delight.
He walks closer to me and positions the teapot above me. I look up, his eyes looked wild, his smile turned into the joker. His calm and collective expression was gone now. He's finally lost.

He tipped the teapot over my head. Instantly I was met with the burning sensation of flesh running down my body. I screamed for mercy. The smell of burning flesh was horrific as it looks. Throat was getting hoarse by each second. My salty tears did not help soothe the pain, it only increased it. He kept pouring the liquid hell on me. I looked down on at my legs , they were being painted with red. I could see my blood sizzling, mixing in with the acid
tea. Black spots were continuously being scattered around my vision. The two men's laughters were blocking out my hysterical screams. Everything went black.

I wake up to the reassuring sounds of whispers of flowers. I'm on the floor, my arms have been released. The pain I felt before was gone now, only the sore wounds left by it remains. Everything is dark, the only light visible to me is from the moon shining through the metal barred window. I can hear the soft footsteps of rats running around. I could smell the pungent air of sewers from down below. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Home sweet home.


Authors note:
Hi :D I hoped you like plz comment down below if you would like more updates
P.s plz comment anything you liked or dislike and your free to give me some tips on my writing I'm still new to this ❤️👾

Wonderland Gone MadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora