EXCLUSIVE: winnie da pooh and da mysrtry

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i wuz reedin arund in da winnee da pooh book an i found dis lost story which i ut on da intanet.

it wuz a sunny day an winnee da pooh wuz wakkin around. den he looked up a tree an dere was a big honney comm wit a hooooooooooooooooole bunch of honey in it.

"my my wut an ingotyable beehive" sed pooh "i wud like 2 partake oin dat honney"

"but how r u gonna do dat" sed pigglet

"u can fly up on dis ballon" sed owl

"but theyll know im a bare lookin 4 huney" sed pooh.

den i walked in.

"NIGGA" sed pooh

"WUT" i sed

"oh sorry" sed pooh "u look exactly like my brotha nigga da pooh"

"well my name isnt nigger" i sed "my name is soulja spirit buu jackson. but u can call me turtle"

"wait i have an idea" sed owl "hes balck! if we give him da ballon da bees will only tink hes a black rain cloud"

"wow your smart" sed pigglet. an dey gave me da ballon.

i floated up in da air. den da bees started buzzin around me. den... i got a grate idea. i broke a stick off da tree an started hittin da beehive.

da beehive fell 2 ground an all da bees died of broken necks.

den i glided slowly onto da ground.


"now im gonna take dis honey" sed pooh "an take it home an put it all ova my fried cikin"

"u cant put fried chikin on honey" i sed

"i can" sed pooh "bcuz im a bear"

den... i tot i saw sometin in da bush.

"wuts dat" i sed. we all went 2 da bush. we saw three pairs of footprints.

den we went around around anodder time. we saw 6 pairs of footprints. den i herd a click behind me an i felt someone pop a cap in my ass.

i turned around. IT WAS A GODDAMN HEFFALUMP.

den da heffalump stared pumpin lead into pooh. pooh flew back. fluff wuz goin everywere.

den owl flew ova an started to try an stracth da heffalumps eyes out.

"O HELL NO" sed da heffalump an he ripped off owls wings an started beating him with dem. owl wuz coughin up blood.

pigglet piked up a stick an tried 2 stab him but da heffalump kiked him away an started beating him wit owls wings.

"pigglet" sed pooh "give me my pop gun so i can POP A CAP IN DIS MUTHAFUKKAS ASS"

pigglet slid it across da ground becauze he coudnt get up bcuz he wuz gettin beetin to deth.

pooh picked it up "SAY GOODNITE MUTHAFUKA" he sed an poped a cap in his ass. but it didnt work bcuz it wuz a cap insted of a bullet. da heffalump turned around an slaped pooh across da face an he flew against a tree.

den i jumped an grabbed da gun by da pipe. i swum. i hit da heffalump in da face. teeth went everywere an his jaw broke

"muthafukka" he sed.

den i hit him on top of da hed an i herd his skull crack. blood wuz commin out of his trunk...we were now on da ground wresslin.

den i took bot my hands and strangled the heffalump. n he strangled me. but i stragled harder an he died.

sweetin i got up. "is everyone alright" i sed. pooh wuz asleep an owl wuz bleedin an pikkin up his wings.

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