Because You're Beautiful

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You are beautiful. You are original. There is literally nobody else in the world quite like you, so you are needed. Every single person is different, and without you the world would be a different place. It would be a sadder place. It would have one less beautiful soul. It doesn't matter if other people call you horrible things, because they are lying. Your eyes are the most beautiful colour, your body, no matter the shape or size, is amazing. You have the most wonderful complexion, regardless of skin colour. It doesn't matter if you have spots, freckles, acne, birth marks, or anything else. It doesn't change just how beautiful you are. Whether you're a boy, girl, or other, you're amazing just the way you are. Whether you prefer going natural or wearing make-up, it doesn't change your elegance. I'm not exaggerating, or trying to say that looks are the most important thing. I am simply saying that you are amazing just the way you are, and I hope you realize that. You, my friend, are absolutely fabulous. 

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