Because the World is Wonderful

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Yes, this twisted world has its flaws. It does, however, have so many wonderful things. The music, the art, the people, the movies, the colours. All of it is amazing. Think of all the amazing things you could miss. Your favourite bands will make more music, more art will be created, more movies will be made, and nature will never cease to amaze you. Imagine staring at the night sky, with millions of stars, while sitting next to the one you love. And what about all those people you have yet to meet? Each one having a unique personality, and something that makes them special. Whenever you're feeling depressed, try putting a song you like on. Music is beautiful because of the effect it can have on us, and the way it can change us. Find something really means a lot to you. Think of the things you could do. You could create something that reflects who you are. You could create something amazing. Never give up hope, the world doesn't have enough of it.

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