What's The Truth?

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*Ariana's POV*

As I was sleeping, I heard a familiar voice talking to me. It sounded alot like Michael's voice, but then again, a little different. It was the sweeter, softer Michael speaking to me in my dreams. He was so sincere, so heartfelt with his words. You could say he really put me at ease.

As I listened to what he was saying, he sounded a bit worried. I can recall him asking a favor from me, but I don't remember what it was. I can't seem to remember for the life of me.

I continued listening as I heard another familiar voice speaking, but I couldn't make out the conversation. After attempting to analyze the other voice with failure, I gave up all in all. But unlike Michael's voice, he gave me a sense of danger. I didn't really feel comfortable around his voice. I didn't know who this other person was that seemed so dangerous yet familiar, and even worse, I couldn't even figure out what was being said.

A loud noise startled me awake out of my half-dream or whatever, causing me to realize that Michael was in my house, watching me sleep. I furrowed my eyebrows a little to get a clearer picture of him, and yes, it was Michael.

"Hello, Beautiful." He said to me warmly while smiling.

"Oh, Michael.... it's just you." I uttered uneasily.

"Of course it's me. Who else? I mean, this is MY house, for one."

I immediately looked up at him. "Your house?" Shit.

"Um, yes. My house." He said trailing off awkwardly.

I began to look around vigorously and started to notice that it was his house I was in. What the hell happened? Why am I even here? I turned around in attempt to get up until I saw someone behind me.

I jumped, lightly startled, then looked at the man who was looking at me. I mean REALLY looked at him. How could I not remember? I immediately knew who he was: Nathan's friend from last night. "Oh my God..." I said to myself as the terror built up inside of me. I tightened my grip on the unfamiliar blanket that was draped around me as I tried so desperately to fight back my tears.

He must've saw my tears forming anyway, because he lightly touched my arm in an attempt to calm me.

Freight washed over me, and I jumped back, yelping in fear. His touch; I envied. I hated it; I hated him.

He looked at me in a puzzled manner as if I'd done something wrong.

"Ariana, what's wrong?" Michael asked.

I looked back at him as the fresh, warm tears fell freely down my cheeks.

He immediately ran over in an attempt to calm me. He looked into my eyes trying to search for an answer.

I bit my quivering lower lip to keep from crying harder as I stared into his chocolate eyes.

"Beautiful, what happened?" He asked with comfort, yet fear in his voice.

I wanted to tell him so bad. I wanted him to hold me and make all this go away.

His friend soon came rushing over and I tensed, squeezing on Michael's arms that were wrapped lightly around me. He looked at me with such sincere and pleading eyes. I envied it.

Once he tried to reach out for me once more, I jumped around the couch and made my way to the door swiftly.

"Ariana, wait!" Michael called after me.

I had to get away. I just couldn't bear seeing that man's face. I opened the door and ran out as quickly as I could, still gripping the blanket tightly. I don't recall looking back, not for anything or for anyone. All I know is that I was afraid for my life and I wanted to get away.

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