Introduction To "The Game"

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*Michael’s POV* (February 18, 1989)

I only did this to myself. I hate what I’ve done. Sometimes, I hate being who I am; caring, honest, tender-hearted, and indulgent. I’m very sensitive and charitable at times as well, too. I wasn’t always like this though, who I am today. But it’s the fact that I don’t know how and when to tell who exactly the right ones in my life are. I just want someone to be here for me, Michael Jackson the person instead of Michael Jackson the entertainer. I mean, I guess I deserved what happened, considering the fact that I wasn’t totally honest from the beginning anyways. But I changed. I changed myself because what I felt was real! I actually thought that everything would be okay ever since I met…HER. I saw her and was completely awe-struck. It’s like everything changed. I never felt that way about any woman ever. Judging by the kind of person I used to be, that’s a BIG thing. It’s so indescribable how she made me feel. It’s even more indescribable how I feel right now. She was everything to me. She was the woman that changed my life.

*Michael’s POV* (August 29, 1983)

Tonight was my 25th birthday, and one of my best friends, Mark Daniels, took me out to a blub/bar to look for females. Mark and I always were the guys to get the females. Mark was a couple years older than me, so he had more experience. But he trained me to be a ladies’ man as well. Now, before you start making accusations, we don’t drug and rape women. We simply get to know them, take them to our place after a while, and have a little “fun” with them. After the night, we ask them to leave, then tell each other about our night. It was just something we did as a past-time fun. Mark figured since tonight was my 25th birthday, we needed to play our little game. I was alright with that, too. I could use some female attention tonight. Hell, I need it.

Tonight was just as simple as any other “Game Night” we had. I put on an all-black suit with a light pink button-up on, a red tie, pink socks, and white shoes. It felt dressy enough for me.

I got in my car, and drove to the club Mark told me to go to. Once inside, I already saw him talking to 2 different females, so I walked up to them to see what they were “chatting” about.

“Ahem.” I cleared my throat and spoke with potency. “Mark, let’s go.”

He chuckled under his breath. “Lydia, Anastasia, I’d like you to meet my good friend, Michael.”

I politely smile. “Good evening, ladies.”

“One moment, please.” He said getting up and walking away from them.

As soon as we were far enough, I spoke. “Anastasia?” I asked in a puzzled tone.

“I know, hot right? She’s Russian.”  He looked back over to the ladies and waved, “and the other one, Lydia,” he gestured to her “she’s Egyptian. Egyptian and Russian! Whooo! God must love me tonight!” he said in excitement.

I laughed. “Hey look, I’m going to go scope. Nice to see you man.” I gave him a little hand dab, mainly for scoring 2 females in 1 night, and both exotic. “Have fun tonight.”

He laughed. “Thanks. Oh, by the way, I see somebody eyeing you back there.”

I turned around to find a fairly beautiful woman in the corner of the bar looking at me. I turned back to face Mark. “Thanks, maybe she’s my lady of the night.”

“Alright. Well as you can see, I gotta go take care of some business at home.”

We said our goodbyes. “Maybe my place, say 1 pm tomorrow? Or I’ll just call you.” he asked.

“Yeah. See you then. Have fun!”

“Always do.” He replied, then ran back to his girls.

I, on the other hand, made my way over to the beautiful brunette that was looking at me. I quietly stood next to her, and nonchalantly folded my arms, observing the crowd.

“Excuse me.” She said. “I believe we haven’t met before. I’m Amanda.” She had a strong southern accent that told me that she came from deep Alabama.

I looked at her. “Michael. Nice to meet you.” I flashed her a smile, which usually got all of the ladies attention.

“My, my, my. That’s quite a smile you got there.” She said in her sweet accent.

I chuckled a little. “Thanks.  So tell me, what’s someone as gorgeous as you doing all in the corner alone, huh?”

“Well, I’m not alone anymore, am I?” she asked.

I laughed. “Nah, seem s like you’re okay.”

She turned around to mace me. “Maybe I’m being a little to forward, I don’t know, but damn. You are one sexy piece of meat.”

I laughed. “Yeah. I know.”

“So, you wanna go mess around a bit?” she asked, biting her lip.

“Your place or mine?” I asked, smiling.

“Mine.” She said.

This makes it easier on me. I lied her to my car and got in. she soon got in afterwards and she told me her address.

We were soon driving up her driveway, and heading to her door.

Once she opened it, I walked in looking around. I really wasn’t pleased with what I saw, but her, it was just for a few hours, right?

“Michael, come here. My bedroom’s this way.” She said walking around a corner.

I followed inside, and just like that, she gave it up so easily. At around 3 am, I made sure she was sleep. I got dressed, and left her house, unannounced.

Once I got home, I immediately took a shower and got dressed in some pajamas to go to bed. The next day, I was to tell mark about my night, as he with his.

*Next Day: 11:30 am*

I woke up a little after 11:30 and made some breakfast. When I say “made”, I really mean just a bowl of frosted flakes with some chopped up fruit. Today, I decided to chop up a banana to go with my daily frosted flakes.

I walked into my modern-setting living room, turned on the giant-screened TV, and found the sports center channel. About 8 spoonfuls into my ‘oh-so-gourmet-breakfast’, I got a phone call from Mark.

“Aye Mike, what up?”

“Ehh, usual routine. Wake up, cereal, sports center, phone call, and here we are.”

He laughed. “That’s right. How was your night? Is she still there?”

I laughed. “Nah, I went to her place. It was better on my part. I bet yo ass had to wake her up, kick her out, wash your sheets, make up your bed again, right?”

He sighed. “Yeah. That’s what usually happens.”

“Exactly! Now the bitches know where you live! All I had to do was smash and leave.”

“Right, right, that is smart. Look at you! Playing The Game better than the man who taught you!”

I laughed. “Yeah, I got a brain.”

“So how was she? Was it good?”

“Oh God no, I didn’t like it at all. It was terrible. Not to mention the smell.”

“Ooooh! Burn!” he laughed. “You used protection, right?!”

“Mark, please. I was NOT about to put anything in that without my Trojans. You got life twisted!”

He laughed harder. “Wow man. I can’t believe this.”

“How were the foreign chicks, by the way?”

He sighed. “Man. They didn’t let me hit it! They OBVIOUSLY don’t know who I am! I’m Mark Daniels! Bitches better bow down and show me some damn respect!”

I could tell he was cranky. He didn’t get any last night. That ALWAYS put him in a bad mood.

“Damn Mark, all bad.”

He sighed. “Tell me about it!”

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