Chapter 1

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//Yugi's name will be different in this fanfic.Yugi's last name is changed from Yugi Moto to Yugi Reji.You'll find out later in this chapter why I had to change it\\

Chapter One: Stranger

Yugi's POV

Every year, on my birthday, my mother always tells me the story of how we were captured, and now slaves under the Pharaoh. And every year, my heart hurts for the story, for I know that it is true, true that she was turned into a slave with me.

I don't have many friends, but most take advantage of my kindness, usually causing the friendship ending with me in a sobbing mess.My mother says I have to be tough, but we both know deep down that I could never be mean or ruthless, my heart will always be tender and kind, always bleeding for others pain.

I am often mistaken for a girl, since I wear a white one-strap dress and have girly features.I've even attracted a few boys only for them to get disappointed or even beat me up for realizing that they had fallen for a boy.But, I'm use to it by now, others mistaking me for a girl.

"Yugi, could you please fetch some water from the well?"My mother asked, handing me an empty clay jug.

"Of course!"I shouted gleefully, smiling up at her.

I walked outside and dropped down the water bucket, getting prepared to haul up a heavy bucket full of water. My mother and I work only from dawn to dusk.

My mother says that we are lucky, to have a master like Master Solomon Moto, he only makes us work 10 hours when most slaves have to work 12-14 hours.

I heaved the bucket of water up to me and a bucket full of water met me.I poured most of the water in till the jug was full.Then, I walked up to a clay slab were a guard was standing and put a tally mark by the last name of Reji.

As a slave, we get limited amounts of water.Depending on the number of people in your family, which can't be higher than 3 children per family, what rank your master is, and how much water is imported every week to the well all depends on how many jugs of water you are allowed to get.

A guard was always posted that the well, to make sure the slaves only get the amount they're allowed.Our family, since it's only my mother and I, get 2 jugs a day.

I smiled up at the guard and he didn't respond, only grunting in disapproval and giving me a dirty look.I left quickly, not wanting to anger him more.

I walked back into the kitchen and handed mother the jug.She poured some of it into a hallow coconut canteen and screwed on the cap, doing the same with another one.

We used these for when we work so that we wont get dehydrated in the hot desert sun."Good bye, Yugi. Be good, and always respect the Egyptains."My mother said.

I nodded in response.I usually carried water from the Nile to Master Moto's crops every days and it takes me about 20 trips, 20 minutes per trip.

My mom worked in Master Moto's kitchen and was most of the time his wine taster, for poison.Even though we work for the same master, we hardly see each other.

Time Skip

"What?!"I screech.

"Shush, Yugi.Yes, you get the day off."Master Moto said.

Pharaoh's Servant (YamiYugi/AtemYugi)Where stories live. Discover now