Chapter 8

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//I still need some help on YouTube! Anyone with a YouTube account and would like to held out in a MEP, please join me! Just PM me and I'll send you a link to my account\\

Chapter 8: Unexplained Problems

Yugi's POV

Without warning, I was thrown into the fountain to my right. I never was the best swimmer so I struggled.

"H-help!" I cried, starting to sink into the deep water, darkness surrounding me.

The water was silent, and that oddly kept me at peace and I stopped struggling, because I could swim so what was the point in struggling?

I felt like I could sleep in the water, the only thing is, I closed my eyes in what I thought was sleep.

But it wasn't.

3rd Person POV

Everyone's eyes went wide and they all stared at the water.

"Y.......ugi?" Atem whispered, staring at the fountain in bewilderment.

"Atem! What have you done?!" Ryuu criedout, holding his cheek.

He ran to the fountain, jumping in and splashing a frozen Atem. Ryuu came out of the water a few second later with Yugi passed out in his arms.

Ryuu stepped out of the fountain soaking wet, stopping by Atem."You're a coward." He said before walking off, still carrying a passed out Yugi to the infirmary.

Atem's eyes widen as well did Mana's as she stood in the window frame.

Not once, in both Atem's and Mana's lives, had anyone said that Atem was a coward.

Time Skip

Yugi breathed hard as he sat up.

"You're awake." Ryuu said, smiling, his face inches away.

Yugi jumped, not wanting Ryuu to kiss him out of no where again.

"You're lucky I save you in time." Ryuu stated.

"Atem didn't save me?" Yugi asked, confused as he pushed back the wool blanket.

Ryuu replied by shaking his head no."He stood there like the coward he is." Ryuu said, his eyes slanting and his voice darkening.

Yugi was surprised at this but brushed it off as Ryuu's smile returned."Sorry, I'm just mad that he did nothing while you were in danger." He said.

Yugi nodded and stood up."How long was I out?"

"Only a few hours." Ryuu replied, sitting on the bed and crossing his legs.

"Oh! Thank you so much for saving me!" Yugi exclaimed, bowing.

"Do you remember anything before hand?" Ryuu asked randomly.

Yugi stood back up and looked at him confused."No, why? All I remember is you kissing me and Atem slapping you." Yugi said, walking to the entry way of the Infirmary.

"Are you going to go see him?" Ryuu asked.

"Yes." Yugi replied. He paused and then added,"If you don't mind me leaving."

"I don't mind. Oh, and Yugi?" Ryuu asked before he was out the door.

Yugi stopped and turned back at Ryuu, tiling his head back slightly.

"Just keep this in mind; Atem was the one who pushed you into the fountain." Ryuu said, watching as Yugi's eye's widened.

He walked, leaving Yugi there.

Yugi's POV

I silently fell to my knees, then being too weak to hold myself up.

"Atem did what?......" I whispered, my hand covering my mouth.

I shut my eyes tightly as I cried.

There were footsteps that stopped in front of me but I didn't look up, too engulfed in my sorrow.

"Yugi? What's wrong?" Atem asked, squaring down and touching my hand. I turned away.

"You...... That's what's wrong."

He was slightly taken aback by that comment."What do you mean?" He asked.

More tears poured out of my eyes as I realized he was playing dumb."Don't lie! Ryuu said you were the one who pushed me into the fountain!" I screamed, looking at him with red, tear filled eyes.

I sniffled and Atem's gaze left mine, looking down."So it was true." I replied bitterly, whipping more tears away.

"But I can explain!" Atem shouted.

"I've heard enough from you, Prince Atem. You've already done enough damage for a day." I replied sourly as I stood up and stormed off, not looking back.

??? POV

This is better than I though! I turned away from the corner with a wicked smirk.

"This body isn't as fit as I had hopped. And his voice is higher than mine so most people will notice." I growled, my hands trailing to my millennium ring.

"It feels great to be back. Thank you, Pharaoh, for foolishly giving me this gift so long ago. He never suspected I was controlling Ryuu, and that's his mistake.

"It's time for me to repay the present, by claiming the throne."

//It's not as long as I hoped but, oh well\\

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