❇2❇ Rich Brats

34 2 0

Pic: the rainbow (galaxy, actually) leggings

I'm not going to try and cover this up: our house was huge. We were rich after all, well, our parents were. My mom was a successful designer and had her own brand of clothing. My dad was the CEO of a major company, no idea what it does, but he heirsed it from his father, along with a huge fortune.

All this to say that our house was huge. As in way-more-than-necessary-castle-like huge. You get my point.

We lived in a rich neighborhood in the 'good' part of the city. It was a large house, that looked more like a mansion. Maybe it was. What's the difference again?

Anyway, it looked like it came straight out of those designer magazines where you see the dream houses. There was one corner turned to the garden in the back that consisted merely of glass. Behind it was the huge living room that occupied the two floors. The front looks modern yet pretty simple, with a huge ivy decorating it's facade and the small front garden is well-kept and green.

"And here we are m'ladies!" Ed says cheerfully while parking the car in our driveway. Me and my sister both hop out. I grab my shopping bag while my sister just leaves her hundreds. Someone will bring them up to her room.

Just in case you're asking yourself this: yes, we are probably seen as arrogant bitches by everyone who sees us. Me more than my sister for obvious reasons but still let me clear this right now for you: every girl knows how to be an arrogant, cold bitch. You just need to pull the right stings and even the most goody-goody-two-shoes will snap right back at you. So yes, what people judge is true, but only for certain groups of people.

Like my mom's friend Chelsea, for example, who is right now lounging on our couch feeling completely at home. A little bit too much at home if you ask me.

"Oh hello dears!" my mom walks in with a friendly smile and a tray stacked with tea and snacks "how was shopping?" she looks suspiciously at the bag in my hand probably debating with herself whether it was what she had demanded or not.

"Amazing mom! Thank you so much for letting us go" my sister says with her ever-present niceness. I know that it's trained, perfectioned over the years but still, it's annoying to observe "Alexis even bought some rainbow leggings"

This made both my mom and Chelsea's gazes to settle on me.

"Rainbow leggings, you say?" my mom just looks surprised while her friend seems to be fighting her laughter. I don't blame my mom, I'm a person that really likes black clothing, and she, more than anyone, knows that I wouldn't be easily convinced to wear something as colourful as rainbow leggings. Little does she know that I actually don't mind it that much.

"Now that is some big news, Kate! Your daughter must be trying to impress someone, or maybe she finally realized that she won't get far looking like that" Chelsea points at me and laughs her head off at her own joke while I just burn my eyes into her. Of course, I should have been expecting a comment like that from her, I kind of actually was since she doesn't spare me from hearing her opinion every single time she comes by, but it still made me start to meditate about how I should make her choke her own laughter.

Both my mom and sister looked between me and her. They could probably read what was going through my head. I hated it when people just assumed things, I mean seriously, would someone actually be more impressed if my pants were colourful? How could someone think so superficial?

"So basically, you are saying that your husband only noticed you because you look like a leopard with... I don't know, maybe an oversized cosmetic ball?" I was referring to her dress that she had very smartly combined with a bright pink round purse the size of Texas. Or not.

When my response registered in her mind about 5 seconds later, her smile instantly faded and she tried her best to mask her shock, failing miserably.

Now what did I tell you just before? Every girl knows how to be a bitch for the right people. And I just happen to have a lot of 'right people' in my life to trigger this response... And there you have the explanation for my reputation, also the reason why my sister and mom were trying to send me warning looks before.

My sister jumps into the conversation just as Chelsea is turning a deep color of red "I-uhm-we have some work to so before school starts! We really should get to it because school starts on Monday and we wouldn't want to make a bad impression and we should go now!" she was already dragging me out of the room, words gushing out of her mouth until we left it.

We went up to our rooms but on the way up we were able to hear the profanities Chelsea was yelling at my mom about honor and respect until finally the front door was slammed shut.

"Was that really necessary?" Mikayla was used to it and she knew that it was only directed to a specific group of people but she was the good girl that just let everything get by without a fight. I just couldn't do that "I mean, it was just a stupid comment, couldn't you just have ignored it?"

"She basically said that no matter what, if I dress black, life is never going to work out for me. How stupid can someone be? The color of my clothes does not determine my life"

"You still could have just ignored it, it would be easier and less painful for a lot of people"

"So just because ignoring it is easier than explaining the truth, I should let people call me superficial and useless. Great!"

That made her be silent. There was no point in continuing our argument, I would have enough to hear from our mother.

Speaking of which, I could already hear tired but angry footsteps going up the stairs.

"Alexis, can I talk to you for a minute?"

Oh, the joy.


So Alex here is in trouble...
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