Chapter One

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"Creepy girls you're just my style, blood red lipstick, you don't smile!" Blasted through my ear buds as I road my skateboard down Hollywood Blvd.
I swerved around the people humming along with my favorite song. "Watch out!" I heard through my ear buds. It was to late to do anything before I collided with someone, making me fall.
I took an ear bud out. "Shit I'm sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going." I say, shaking my head. "Its fine, I wasn't watching ether." I know that voice anywhere.
I look up and see Kyle David Hall with an outstretched arm. The Kyle David Hall. Holy shit! I grab his hand and he pulls me up. "Hi. I'm Kyle." He says with a smile. "I know. I love your videos." I say with a smile.
"That's awesome! I love meeting fans randomly." He said, laughing. I smiled. "My name's Nicole, but everybody calls me Moon." I said. He smiles. "That's...unique. I like it." He said. I nod.
"Woah...I think I hit you a little too hard..." he said suddenly. I raise an eyebrow. "Your nose..." he said. I bring a finger to my nose, feeling the red liquid. I wiped it away quickly. I forgot I get nose bleeds when I get nervous. "And your elbow is like..." he said as he grabbed my arm. I looked at it, seeing how much blood is dripping down my arm. "Shit..." I said with a sigh.
"That's pretty bad, I'll take you back to the apartment and clean this. Deal?" He asked with a smile. "Wait, the apartment as in the MDE house?" I asked. He laughed. "Yeah." "I'm in."
I grabbed my board and we walked to the apartment. When we got there, Shannon and Alex were making a video. "Just edit this out!" Kyle yelled as we walked to the kitchen. "Gotcha!" Alex said, then they continued the video. "So, where do you get the nickname Moon?" Kyle tried to make small talk as he got a wet towel.
"When I was younger, I used to love Sailor Moon, so my parents called me Moon, and I guess it stuck." I said. "This will sting a little. Just sayin." He said before he put the wet towel to the scrape on my elbow. I winced.
"So, what kind of music do you listen to?" He asked as he continued to clean the wound. "Uh, I can't pick a favorite band between Pierce The Veil, Ghost Town and Sleeping With Sirens, so there's your answer." I said with a laugh. He smiled.
"Oh my god girl! Same!" He said in a girly voice. I laughed. "Hey Kyle. Who's this?" Shannon said as she walked in the kitchen and went to the fridge.
"I'm Moon." I said awkwardly. "I ran into her, literally, and scraped up her arm." Kyle said as he sat on the counter next to me. "I'm Shannon." Shannon said with a smile. "I know, I love your videos." I said with a smile.
"Thanks. Want a monster or a peace tea?" She said. "Oh, you don't have to-" "first of all, I'm not taking no for an answer, so what do you want." She cut me off. I laughed. "Monster." I said.
"I should get home-" "No! Stay! Please!?" Shannon said. I laughed. "We need another girl!" She pleaded. I laughed. "I guess." I said laughing.
"Good! Now come meet the rest of MDE!" Shannon basically pulled me to the living room. "Guys! Get off your god damn phones!" Shannon yelled. I laughed. Everyone looked at me and that's when I started to feel nervous. Social anxiety.
"Guys, this is Moon, and we're all gonna be best friends!" Shannon yelled. Johnnie looked up and his jaw almost dropped.
"Hi, I'm Johnnie." Johnnie said as he jumped off the couch and shook my hand. I laughed. "She already knows who all of you are, she's a fan that just so happened to run into Kyle, literally, so she's here. Now get to know her and we'll love her!" Shannon yelled as she messed with my long, black hair.
"And there won't be only 2 girls-oh my god your hair is soft, how do you get it like this?" Shannon said as she ran fingers through my hair. I laughed. "Why are you touching my head?" I asked laughing. "Because your hair was so spiky and I wanted to mess it up but I'm regretting that now- what kind of shampoo do you use!?" She said.
"Okay! Aside from hair, who wants to play truth or dare!?" Kyle said. "I'm in." I said. "I gotta go edit a video." Bryan said before he went to his room. "I'm in for sure!" Johnnie said.
"Let's play!" Jeydon said. "Literally Jordan is the only one that's not here." Alex said. "He lives in Australia, it's kind of hard to get him all the way here for more than a week." Jeydon said.
"Oh well, he's missing out because we all know that truth or dare is awesome with us." Kyle said. "Okay, judging by your guys' videos, I'm kinda scared." I said as I sat on the floor because there was no more room on the couch.
"You should be." Alex said. "I remember when you had to eat deodorant." I said laughing. Everybody laughed. "I said We never speak of it!" She yelled. This should be fun.

-2 hours later-
"Moon, I dare you 7 minutes in heaven with Kyle!" Jeydon yelled. My eyes went wide. "What!? No! You guys already made me eat off the floor, mess up my hair that I took 2 hours on and made me drink a monster mixed with a peace tea! There is no way in hell I'm-" "If you chicken out you have to kiss Shannon." Johnnie said. "Wait what!? And I get no say in this!?" Shannon said. I laughed. "Not unless Kyle is okay with it. I'm not gonna make him do something He doesn't wanna do." I said.
"It'll be awkward but I don't wanna lick Johnnies foot again." Kyle said. I laughed. "I'll time you." Alex said. I sighed. "Fuck you guys." I said as me and Kyle stood up. Kyle lead me into the closet and shut the door.

"Time starts now!"
Alex said through the door. I bit my lip. "This is awkward." I said, my voice shaky. "Yeah. Uh, you into sports?" Kyle said, obviously trying to make small talk. I laughed.
"Not really." I said with a laugh. "Yeah, me nether. Um-" "you have to kiss at least once! Its part of the dare!" Jeydon yelled through the door. I laughed. "Uh, I know we just met, literally like 2 hours ago, but can I kiss you?" Kyle said. I laughed and nodded. He slowly leaned in and kissed me. It didn't last long, but it felt...good?

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