Chapter Two

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"That was so fucking awkward Jeydon!" I yelled as I ran out of the closet. "I know, that's why I dared you to do it." Jeydon said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes. "You're blushing so hard right now," Shannon said. I covered my face with my hands.
"God damn." I said. Everybody laughed. "Okay! Moving on!" Kyle said. I sighed and felt something Buzz in my pocket. I rolled my eyes as I got it out of my pocket.
"Hello?" "Nicole! Get your ass home now! I don't know where you are, and to be honest, I don't care, just get home. Now." My mother's thick French accent yelled through the phone.
"Okay, okay. I'm coming. I'm on my way now. Calm yourself. Damn!" I yelled before I hung up. Everybody was looking at me, then I realized how much of my accent just came out.
"Where are you from?" Kyle said. I sighed. "It's pretty obvious now huh? I'm from France. Me and my mom moved here so I could get a better education and have a chance to learn about American history, blah, blah, blah." I said. "That's so awesome." Jeydon said. I laughed. "Well, I gotta go now or my mom will kill me." I said as I stood up.
"Wait, let me get your number." Kyle said. I can tell he didn't mean to blurt that out just by his body language. "Uh, sure." I gave him my number quickly and ran out the apartment and skated home.
"Ma! I'm home!" I yelled as I walked in the door. I ran to my room and put my board away. She hates it when I ride it. She thinks it's too it's for guys.
I roll my eyes at the thought. I walk into the kitchen where she's cooking dinner. "I told you, of you're going to go out, you need to be home by 8:00!" She yelled. She's very strict. "I understand mama. I ran into this boy and scraped my elbow. He was nice enough to help me out." I said as I sat on the counter. She smacked my hand. "Don't talk to strangers!" She yelled. I sighed.
"What's for dinner?" I asked as I jumped off of the counter. "Pasta." She said as she stirred the sauce."Délicieuse." I spoke. She smiled. "I'm surprised you still know your French. We've been in America for so long!" She said. I laughed.
"We're from France ma, I can never forget my native language." I said before I dipped a finger in the sauce and licked it. "I'll be in my room!" I yelled as I ran to my room. Our house is small. Its only me and my mom. My father walked out on us when she was pregnant with me, so fuck that asshole. I'm obviously an only child.
I plopped down on my bed and started watching YouTube videos. In the middle of a Drakestopher video, I got a text.

Hey, it's Kyle. :)

I smiled


Whacha doin?

Watching YouTube and about to eat the best pasta ever. What about you?

Awe! I don't get pasta! That's so not fair! Oh well, I get taco bell so ha!

I laughed.

Sucks for you!

Anyway, I wanted to see if you wanted to hang out tomarrow?

"Nicole! Dinner!" My mother yelled from the kitchen. I sighed and got up from my bed. I was comfortable! I walked into the kitchen and got some food then went straight back to my room. I'm ether extremely anti-social or I talk to everyone, there is no in between.
After I ate, I took a shower and went to bed. I'm kinda looking forward to tomorrow.

A/N: Sorry this chapter was short, i'll try to update again today, but I'm kinda sick. This was more of a random chapter, I couldn't really think of anything. But if you have any ideas, let me know. I have some ideas, so I'm gonna say it now, this story will get better. Trust me. My goal is to update every day, so look forward to that. That's really it, uhhhhh....bye!!!

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