chapter 11 who they looking at

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me: who are they starring at 

Anaiyah: you I'm pretty sure it's you that there looking at

One girl whispers in the boy beside her ear and I ignore it and me and anaiyah finish walking to the table and I tell malak everything 

Malak: oh I know them I used to be cool with them and then they started to think they all big and bad so I stopped hanging with them

Anaiyah: they was looking at you anijah 

Me: hmf 

Noah: I hope they don't start no stuff or there going to be some beef

Avani: exactly 

Kyree: they was looking at you nijah 

Me: yes they was

One girl wearing joggers and a shirt that said love more come up in my face and say

Girl: is you new here 

Me: yea and is yo breath stanky yes

The girl growls at me

Girl: oh nice choice for food to eat

Me: um thanks I guess

Girl picks up my tray and dump the food over my head I start to shake and get mad the girl rolled her eyes and started to walk away slowly but I popped up and less then a minute I ran to her and started swinging on her and kicking her and yanking her hair she punched me very hard and I fell to the floor then I got up and picked her up and drop her to the floor and throw five trays on her head and step on her she started to cry and run out of the cafeteria I ran to the bathroom and did my hair and cleaned myself up then I had another shirt under and I walk back into the cafeteria 

Malak: babe are you ok ?!

Me:yes bae I'm ok 

Avani: girl if I seen y'all fight I would of killed her so serious don't no one mess with my twin but when y'all was fighting I was eating my food and it was good but Benny got it and he was yelling WORLDSTAR I looked but then she ran

Anaiyah: I would of showed her who is the boss around here

Me: yo chill it's over 

Kyree: I heard that report cards coming out

Me: I wonder what I got mom said if we get a D or a F we will have our shoes taken away and all our technology taken 

Avani: I won't get that I'm smart 

Anaiyah: me too

Me: me three

Malak: I already know what I got

Me: what you get bae?

Malak: straight A's 

Me: gone head bae with your bad self

Malak: lol yea 

Kyree walks to the table that everyone was looking at us and he punch and slap them all and the fall to the floor and then he walk back to the table 

Malak: why did you do that 

Kyree: because I heard them talking about us

Avani: boo I would if handled them

Kyree: I know but i didn't want them dead just hurt

Avani: oh

Malak: hey want another sleep over 

All of us : yeah that would be cool I will be there after school

Malak: ok I don't know why but my mom still not home so I'm the man of the house 

About two hours later the bell rings we all go to our house me and both of my sisters anaiyah and avani we start pack thing then we eat dinner then we walk to malak house then we knock on the door he gets it and the boys are already there

Becoming friends with Malak WatsonWhere stories live. Discover now