chapter 18 late night convo

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When we got some food we went in the room and ate it later on we chilled on my bed and talked

Malak:so avani have you talked to kyree yet

Avani:yes he texted me and said he sorry and and he still like anijah😑but he want me back and I'm not going to go back to him but I'm not mad at you at all sis just dumb for going with him

Me:well hey u liked him and he was there for you but people change

Avani:the thing is that he changed when we opened the door he is so fake I loved him and he treated me wrong I'm done with him

Malak:avani you know you my sis in law so if he mess with you I'm there to help I don't care if I'm in a wheelchair but let everyone know that I won I'm not no loser and ima be there to help you fight cause I got to be there for you cause u my sis yo what I said did not make no sense but whatever

Avani:malak that's nice and all but I can  take care of myself

Malak:ok just know that I'm there for you

Avani:ok malak 

Benny:man This part dead 

Benny pulls out his phone and a speaker and play some music tamaya starts dancing then Noah and anaiyah then Benny then me then malak and avani walked downstairs and sat on the couch I saw her and walked after her I sat beside her

Me:sissy are you ok


Me:what is wrong 

Avani:I really miss kyree I want him back but who knows what he will do he might try to kill malak or take you or kill me who knows what that boy can do

Me:well just talk to him in person and fix it out no drama cause me or malak won't be there

Avani:maybe you right sisty I will do it tomorrow 

Avani texts kyree for him to meet her at red robin 

Avani:I told him to meet me at red robin and we can talk there yup red robin 


Avani:lol u corny 

Me:lol aye they playing booty me down

Avani:who tf up there twerking 

Me:better not be on malak

We walk up the stairs and walk in my room and shut the door and see anaiyah giving Noah a lap dance and Benny twerking😂 And tamaya throwing money at Benny and malak taking his shoes off

Tamaya:twerk chicken nugget 

I then stop the music 

Me:what the fuk is going on 

Tamaya:this here chicken nugget is twerking for money 

Me:he ain't no striper Benny stop anaiyah wtf u need to stop and Noah y'all need to slow down with all that

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