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"Ok, class, that's it for today. Once you finish your worksheet, turn it in to me and you may put your things away and sit quitely." Said Mr. Gibson, the Honors 3 English teacher. I approached the teachers desk and turned in my paper. "Mr. Gibson?" "Yes, Zephera?" "Could I-" I was cut off by the sound of gunshots nearby. This was normal to hear in this area, but not so close. This was on school campus. The principal came over the intercom, "Staff and students, the school is now on lockdown." I heard more gunshots. "Teachers, please lock your doors and follow school lockdown protocol. This is not a drill." Mr. Gibson ran to make sure the classroom door was locked and told us to sit against the wall. He moved a large cabinet full of supplies in front of the door and closed the blinds on the windows. A girl was crying and her friend was trying to comfort her. "Turn off your phones or put them on silent." Said Mr. Gibson. He turned the classroom lights off. "Everyone try to remain calm and keep quiet." The deans were walking down the halls making sure each teacher had followed protocol. I heard more gunshots, but this time they were even closer to my classroom. The girl continued to cry, but she tried her best to be quiet. I pulled out my phone and texted my best friends, Harrison, Antonio, Donny, and Katie, to make sure they were O.K. I heard more gunshots, but now they were in the hallway of the building I was in. I heard other people screaming as doors were forced open and cabinets were knocked over. I always brought a gun with me everywhere in case something happened. I knew going to a school in this area and having past connections with people in gangs, this was bound to happen at some point. As the gunman got closer to my classroom, I unzipped my backpack. I could see the glock I kept and the two extra clips. It was fully loaded. All I had to do was cock it and shoot. I put my hand on the gun as the unknown intruder burst open the door across the hall. I began to slowly move behind one of the tipped over desks for protection. I heard the gunman try the door. I cocked the gun as the door burst open. Several students screamed and the girl began crying again. The man entered the room and I stayed hidden behind the desk. "Where is she." The man demanded in an angry and exhausted tone. "Wh-who?" My teacher shook. "Zephera!" He yelled. "Right here. What do you want?" I asked, staying hidden. "Show yourself and find out." The stranger replied. "Ah, you want to kill me. No thanks. I like living." The man chuckled in reply. "I'll find you then." He said. "You don't have to." I stood up and he saw me and turned to shoot but he was too late. I had already put three bullets in his chest before he could even get his finger on the trigger of his own gun. Shocked and paralyzed, he fell to the floor, dropping his gun. I approached, kicking the weapon away from him. He gave me an evil, cold, and angry glare. "Who told you to kill me?" I demanded. "Who!" I yelled when he didn't reply. "Your ex, blondie. Who do you think?" He spat. "Why?" I asked. "I don't know. I just did what he said or else he would've shot my balls off." He replied, caughing up blood. "Well, they're gonna be shot off anyway." I said as I pointed my gun at his crotch. "Is anyone here with you?" I asked. "No! He only sent me!" He sputtered in a panicked voice. I glared at him for a moment as he lay on the floor, terrified. "Damn." I thought. "He should've sent someone a lot tougher than this. This guy's about to cry like a baby." Two shots came from my gun and he screamed. Tears ran down his face as he curled into a ball on the floor, grabbing his crotch and groaning. "That's for what you've done, dirtbag." I said just before he passed out. "I-is he...dead?" One of the students asked after a moment. "No. Just unconscious. But he'll probably die from those wounds." The student looked down, in shock, and nodded in reply. All of the students were trembling and half of them were crying. They were somewhat relieved by the sound of police, ambulance, and fire rescue sirens approaching. Mr. Gibson rose from the floor and approached me. "You know the police will want you to talk with them, right?" He said. "Yes. It's no problem. It's far from the first time. Don't worry." I said, still looking at the unconscious gunman as police and EMT's entered the room.

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