After the Incident

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When the paramedics arrived, the gunman had lost a lot of blood. They weren't sure if he would make it. The police asked me to come with them to the station, as expected. They put me in handcuffs since I had just almost killed someone and had brought a weapon to school. Once we arrived at the police station, they took me to an interrogation room and I waited for a detective or investigator to come in. A few minutes after being brought a bottle of water by what looked like a rookie, someone finally came in. "Hello, Zephera. I'm detective Morris. Can you tell me about what happened today?" He said upon entering the room. "Yeah. I shot the guy who was terrorizing the whole school." I said, giving the detective attitude and showing my annoyance. "Did you know the man"? The detective asked. "No, I didn't." There was a pause. "I see. And where did you get this glock?" He asked, pointing to my glock laying on the table in an evidence bag. "I found it in an alley a few months ago." I answered. "Where did you get the ammunition?" The detective questioned. He seemed skeptical. "My parents safe." I said calmly. "How did you get into your parents safe?" "I saw my dad type in the code one day." "I see." He paused. "I'll be right back." The detective said as he rose from his chair and opened the door. He came back a few minutes later and sat down. He sighed, "I don't believe that you didn't know this man. Shooting someone in the groin is personal." "I didn't know him. I told him it was for what he did today. That's all." I said. "I see." He said. The room was quiet for a moment while he looked at me, probably trying to decide whether to believe me or not. After a few minutes, he sat back and said, "You may go now, Zephera. Thank you for your time. An officer will escort you home since the school is now closed for the week." "Thank you." I replied. "Oh, and don't go too far. We'll need to bring you back in for more questions tomorrow. Get some rest." He added. I nodded in reply. An officer opened the door and motioned for me. I got up and followed him and he took me home. Once I got home, I went straight to my bedroom to relax. I checked my phone and had over 25 messages from my friends, probably asking where I was and if I was O.K. But when I went to read them, my mother called from work. She was worried and frantic. "Yes, mom, I'm okay. The police took me home. I'm going to do my homework now, okay? Okay, bye. I love you too, mom." I hung up the phone and returned to reading and answering my friends fearful messages. After answering, I laid down on my bed and began to fall asleep. I woke up a few hours later to my mother coming home from work. I went downstairs and she hugged me tight. "Oh, I was so worried! I had no idea what happened and I saw it on the news and then the police called me and told me they had taken you to the station to talk to you!" She said very quickly. "Are you alright? Are you hurt?" She asked. "No, mom, I'm fine. Just tired and hungry." I replied. My mom immediately went into the kitchen to start fixing supper and I decided to sit on the couch and watch TV for a while. The news came on and the incident at school was all the reporters were talking about. But, of course, not the part about a student taking down the shooter. I rolled my eyes and turned the TV off. I went upstairs to work on my homework and noticed a folded note with my name on it on my desk. I unfolded it and read, "We will kill you one way or another. You might as well give up." I crumpled up the note and threw it into the garbage bin. I got my homework out and set it on my desk. I pulled out my chair and sat down. But as soon as I did, I was thrown across the room by a small bomb that must have been placed under the seat of my chair. My body slammed against the wall and then everything went black. The last thing I heard was my mother screaming and crying over me as I felt broken bones aching, blood rushing down the side of my face, and burns on my thighs and lower back. I don't remember anything after that.

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