Bishop's Checkmate

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    The six of us were in a abandoned mall site we always went to discuss projects with complete silence rivaling a library, except that this time our intention is to help Bart, Sugein and Ezra in their capabilities.
    Bart summoned a fiery bolt and blasted at Ezra, who counters with a icy blast he generates. Bart was able to almost overpower him, if not for Ezra throwing himself out of the way just in time. However, the bolt of flame headed toward me, and Bart had no time to stop it. I covered myself with my arms and waited for death.
    Instead of being turned to ashes, my body was actually absorbing the heat energy like all those characters I saw in the movies. I tried to release those energies i absorbed, but I wasn't able to use the energies in any way we can think of.
    Russell gasped. "I got it!" He took out his iPhone and faced its USB hole at me. "Go on," he said.
    "What..?" I slowly thought of te one way we didn't try; to channel it to other electronics.
    I pointed my finger at the iPhone,and the battery percentage increased easily from 23% to 100% instantly.
    Russell smirked. "Knew it," he said.
    We accumulated parts and brought it there a week later and started work on a weaponized armor for Lawrence.

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