Falling In Love!

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I watch as Calum got so annoyed every minute as Kendra kept arguing with him about not to look at me.

"Fuck Kendra! I said WERE OVER! Why don't you get it?" I smirk as Kendra's lips part in surprise.

"N-no! Were not Calum and never will be! I'm destined for you!" She yell as she angrily stomp her foot on the floor like a little child. As she kept rambling about her and Calum destined and stomp her foot...I whisper a spell.

"Stupid Kendra's mad

Stupid Kendra's stomping

Kendra is annoying...so make her fall!" And I snap my finger and hear laughter when she fall in the floor her heels got broken. She stand up looking embarrass as she ran away but not before tripping on her broken heels in the door.

I laugh with the others but the laughter's die when Mr. Mark walk in.

I was kind off bored of the lesson coz I already know and read about it. As I roll my eyes as Mr. Mark scold me on not paying attention I saw Calum staring at me. I wink at him as he grab all his senses back together as he blink multiple times and look away.

Oh get ready Calum coz

Boy you belong to me

I got something that other girls except Perrie,Jade,and Leigh-Anne don't have! What is it?

I got the recipe...and its called Black Magic!

*ring ring*

We all scatter out of the room as the bell ringing. I sassily walk but I felt a hand pull me back. I was suddenly slam in a wall. As I see a boy with black hair and handsome face....Calum!

I realize no one was here anymore. "What the fuck do you need?" I scowl at him.

"I need your number and you saying yes if we could go on a date." He said smirking.

I pull his phone out of his pocket and type my number in. I give it to him and he happily thank him. "And about the date..let's talk about it at lunch?"

"But I thought you have importa-..." I cut him off with a kiss. I pull away and saw him shock. I blush like a tomato when he put a peck on my lips.

"I guess your important thing is cancel?" He said smirking as I nod. "See you later love..." I said and finally got to get him off me.

I ran for the girls restroom and and went in a cubicle starting to fan girl. I can't believe I'm going on a date with CALUM THOMAS HOOD!


I smile walking out of the room as I saw her running in the bathroom. I touch my lips and Jesus I could still feel her warm lips on mine.

I was surprise when she kiss me coz damn she's hot! I'm now questioning myself why I haven't notice a beautiful girl like her. She's a definition of perfect.

Okay I'm gonna be honest now....I really like her since I first lay eyes on her. She's seriously cute with those braid pig tails. But I never told the boys about it. I'm afraid they'll laugh at me. But now....FUCK ON WHAT THEY SAY OR DO!

As I walk I saw the figure of Ashton walking with a blonde girl.... Which I assume is Perrie. One of Jesy's best friend.

I ran up to them and we did a bro hug. Perrie looks at us nervously. Ashton notice this though.

"Is anything wrong Pez?" He ask her making her look at him.

"Can I be honest with you again Ash?" And now they're calling themselves nicknames.

"You can always be honest with me!" He said.

"I'm not really use in hanging with boys." She answer shyly.

"Don't worry! Cal is a nice lad... Kind off!" He said mumbling the last part but I heard it.

"Hey!" I said punching him playfully on the arm. We both laugh and Perrie join us seconds later.

"We better head off Cal! I'll catch up with you and the boys later...at lunch maybe."

"I can't join... I'll be discussing about a date with my soon to be girl." I said dreamily.

"Wait...who's it?" Ashton said stopping on his tracks.

"I'll give a clue and you'll just have to guess it... She's a best friend of the girl your with." Perrie look at me surprisedly.

"Wait...are u talking about Jesy?" She speak up a little bit excited but I know she's trying to hide it.

"Yeah! I actually like her since first year." I said and red up when I mention how I like her for so long already.

"I knew it! You wouldn't just admit it..." Ashton cheers as Perrie giggle.

Ashton keeps on cheering. "Can you keep a secret?" Perrie ask me coz Ashton seriously can't stop cheering. I nod. "She likes you since first year too... She really got upset for like a month when you and Kendra start dating."

"Don't worry... Me and Kendra are over!"

"I'm not worry about you if your gonna play her,I'm afraid on what Kendra will do to her. Since she's like head over heels over you so please take care of her."

"Yeah. I promise." She smiled at me but her smile grew more when Ashton wrap his arms across her waist.

"I guess I'm not the only one who grew balls here!?" I joke making Ash glare at me.

"Shut up Calum! Let's go pez!" And they walk away Perrie laughing. I shook my head laughing.

I walk to my next class Jesy on my mind. I saw her alone sitting so I join her. "Hey love!" I greet.

"Uhm Calum...if you don't mind sitting in another chair. That's kind of reserve for Perrie." She said trying not to sound like pushing me away.

Then on cue Ash and Pez walk in. "Hey guys!" They greeted and Perrie just sat beside me and Ashton sat beside her.

"I guess that's yours now!" She said and I gave her a peck on the lips and she got red again. I lean in to whisper. "Your beautiful when you blush!" I whisper.

"Really!? Were in every class together?" Ashton said excitedly making me and Jesy look at him.

"Yeah... You didn't know?" Perrie said confuse. Ashton just smile showing his dimples. Perrie pinch it!

"Then I'll be with my baby more often!" Ash said kissing Perrie's back hand and that made her blush.

"I guess someone's getting there!" Jesy mumble to herself smiling at the sight of the two.

I place my hand above hers and she look at me surprise. Her smile grew bigger and I smile back.

I wish we could stay like this....forever!

A little bit longer than the previous one!!!!! Yeah I know....u love me!


But I really love you my little munchkins....bye!

BLACK MAGIC AND VOODOO DOLL... //A 5SOS AND LM FANFIC//Where stories live. Discover now