Chapter 2 : Mark's Place

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I bumped into a girl on the street who was petrified, being chased by some asshole. She suddenly passed out when he drunkenly stormed away, anxiety appeared to overwhelm her.

God, I felt so bad for her. I bridal-style carried her back to my apartment, which wasn't far away. I had this I needed to protect her.

I phoned a doctor to meet back at the apartment, in hope she wouldn't need an ambulance because I knew nothing about her. I noticed as I carried her back that she had blood all over her and bruising.

Jesus, That guy back there probably did this to her.

'Poor thing.'


I woke up, laying on a couch.

'This is far too nice to be Ben's messy ass horror house' I thought to myself. My chest constricted as I began to panic.

'Where am I? Have I been kidnapped? Did I do something wrong?!'

I sit up sharply and look around the room.

'Wow this a nice house! Holy hell!'

"Oh Good! you're up! Are you alright?" a voice announced behind me. I swung my head sharply and looked in the direction to see him. The stranger. I stare in confusion. Is that the YouTuber? I saw him once, in a video I loved. A luxury to view such content.

"Y-You're M-Mark?" I asked.

"Hello there" He laughed cheerfully, smiling and walking to the kitchen. I titled my head in more confusion.

'What kind of coincidence is this?'

He came back with a medium size box. Opening it, bandages and other first aid essentials came into view.

"So, what's your name sweetie?" He asked, obviously trying to distract me from my thoughts. He slowly lifted the blanket that was draped over me and looked at my leg, which had a blood-soaked white bandage. The laceration that was situated just below my knee wasn't as deep as I had previously had,

"H-Hannah" I finally mumbled, snapping out of my momentary dissociative episode. The laceration was intimidating to say the least.

"Poor thing" Mark whispered, looking at me with ax sympathetic head tilt in my direction. "The doctor informed to change the bandages after a few hours" He spoke as he finished wrapping and securing the fresh bandage.

"Thank you" I nodded, a smile plastered on a face that would otherwise be constricted with pain.

"That's alright, I am more than happy to help. Any other battle scars I should be aware of?" He asked, laughing softly as he checked the other bandages. One on my shoulder had blood seeping through, so he elected to re-wrap that also.

"So how old are you sweetie?"


"Right, and how about your parents?"

"My mum is a full time nurse, and-"

"Was the guy ur father?"

"He's my asshole stepdad" I shifted uncomfortably.

"Maybe we should leave my other pressing questions for another day. Is your dog toilet trained?"

'What a strange question'

"He is currently outside so if he is house trained he can come in" Mark continued.

"Yes he is house trained, and he doesn't bark...normally, unless a leaf moves at 3am" I replied, a mock laugh at my dogs expense. He joined, laughed and got up, opening the door. Red ran to greet me, tail wagging furiously, I rose to greet him also, before sharp, excruciating pain shot down my leg and through my rib cage. I winced and stepped back, overwhelmed.

"Are you okay Hannah?" Mark inquired, noticing.

"I'm fine" I responded far too quickly, too suspicious.

"You're a terrible liar" He spoke, laughing slightly but concerned. I uncomfortably stretched my arms up, my shirt hitching slightly to show massive, dark purple bruising on my rib cage.

"Oh my goodness" Mark whispered, covering his mouth. I stared at the ground, ashamed.

'It's not my fault'

"How did he hit you??" Mark exclaimed, walking to grasp an ice pascal.

"He punched me" I replied, nonchalantly. He handed me the ice pack, to which I nodded thankfully and applied it.

"Would you like something to eat hun?"

"Yes please! I am really very hungry"

"When did you eat last?"

"Thursday morning"

Mark looked at me wide eyed, expression hiding nothing. "Thursday! It's Sunday!" He replied, gasping. I shrugged coolly.

"Ben didn't feed me very often" I murmured.

He left for the kitchen while I rested on the couch and came out a little while later with an oven baked pizza.

"I want you to eat as much of that as you want" Mark told me. I nodded and took a slice, eating about 4 pieces and then decided to sleep.

"H-Hey Mark, is it o-okay if I stay here tonight?" I asked, nervously twitching in my seat.

"Of course! I don't want you to go back to that hellhole" Mark replied, established.

"Thank you, sir" I smiled thankfully and lay my head back on the couch, snuggling into bedding he had provided.

I felt safer then I have ever had the privilege to feel before, and drifted off into a peaceful, undisturbed sleep.

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