A Boy That's as Playful as a Dog [edited]

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PROLOGUE : A Boy That's as Playful as a Dog

"Shut up!" 


Sirius Black, a tall boy with jet black hair that was slightly wavy and who normally had a grin on his face, was having a screaming match with his mother inside Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place - their home.

Sirius's brother, Regulus and their father were both watching from the safety of the living room with the door opened just a crack. Kreacher their House Elf, however, was standing behind Mrs.Black enjoying the argument, often dropping hints why Mrs.Black should just chuck Sirius out onto the streets at that exact moment.

 "I give up!" Sirius shouted throwing his hands up. He stormed out the room and went into the hallway where his trunk was waiting for him.

"SIRIUS ORION BLACK! COME BACK HERE THIS INSTANT!" Mrs.Black screamed at him. Sirius ignored her and grabbed the handle of his trunk. "DON'T YOU DARE IGNORE ME!" Mrs.Black continued screeching.

"Well watch me!" He shouted back at her. Sirius wrenched the door open then went out onto the streets. He slammed the door shut behind him leaving his mother's screeches behind.

Sirius was walking for about five minutes when he realised that he had no idea of where he was going. He cursed. He knew he should of paid more attention to where Kings Cross Station was!

"This is hopeless" he moaned sitting down onto his trunk. It would take him ages to find the station.

Suddenly he felt something roughly grab him by the ear. "SIRIUS!" His mother screamed at him.

"Oh, hi" he replied half-heartily. Sirius didn't realise that he was only about twenty or so meters away from his house. Mrs.Black continued screaming.

"YOU BETTER BE GLAD THAT I AM LETTING YOU EVEN GO TO HOGWARTS AND LET YOU STAY AT YOUR THREE SCUM'S HOUSE DURING THE HOLIDAYS!" Sirius's blood boiled under his skin. His mother could insult him one million times but no-one calls his friends 'scums'.

"SHUT UP YOU OLD HAG!" Sirius shouted angrily.

The moment he said it, he regretted it. Mrs.Black had gone silent and her face turned chalky white, she was even paler than Remus now. Mrs.Black slowly let go of him. Sirius was getting ready for the scream which was surely about to come. Surprisingly though, it never came.

"Here, now" Mrs Black said so quietly, Sirius could barely hear her. He stayed rooted to the spot, he wasn't expecting this. Mrs.Black turned on her heel and walked slowly back to the house.

"NOW" She suddenly said raising her voice. It disturbed some birds in the tree next to them. Sirius grabbed his trunk then slowly followed her. He knew he wouldn't get of lightly.

 When they reached  the house, Mrs.Black waited for Sirius to pass her, then slammed the door shut that made some of the pictures on the wall scowl. Regulus and Mr.Black were both in the middle of coming out the living room. Mrs.Black turned around to face Sirius.

 "You can just forget about going to Hogwarts now. I think I saw an advertisement for a school for boys who have problems" She hissed in Sirius's face, spraying spit everywhere.

Sirius gaped at her. "That's not fair!" He said pushing Mrs.Black's face away from him.

"It wouldn't be happening if you were more like Regulus!" She shouted. Yippee, thought Sirius dully, the comparing again! Regulus snickered from behind Mr.Black.

 "Kreacher agrees with master, the flea-bag should never step on Hogwarts grounds again!" Kreacher muttered loudly suddenly appearing at Mrs.Black's side. Sirius narrowed his eyes at him.

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