If You Look to your Left...Its Polyjuice!

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"So here is were the library is, oh and up ahead we will be able to see the-"

"And why are you showing me these things?" Cyan said sarcastically.

Remus looked offended. "Well, we don't want you getting lost after your ex-chaperons ditched you."

"They did not ditch me!" But even to Cyan, her voice sounded unsure. She folded her arms across her chest again. "But it's none of your business."

"Excuse me!" Madam Rostra's voice was shrill as the two boys and the girl almost sent her spiralling to the ground. "You kids should watch where your going!" Remus rolled his eyes at Cyan. "Young man, do not use that type of...of..."

"Gesture?" Peter put in helpfully.

"Yes indeed!"

"Sorry madam." Remus said with over exaggerating sorrow; considering it was Madam Pince though, that was just enough.

"You should be...now leave and the next time I see you trouble-making, I'll give you a detention."

She trotted off down the corridor, on the way to breakfast. Remus burst out laughing. Cyan raised her eyebrows at him. Peter stuffed his fist in his mouth.

"You really had to be there." Remus explained starting to walk again. "Now come!" Cyan caught up with him smiling. Peter hopped by him.

"The three musketeers..." Remus joked as Peter laughed lightly. Cyan looked up to the ceiling. "Seriously, don't ever say that again." Suddenly there was a low growl that was soon followed by another. "What the-?" Remus asked turning to Cyan and Peter.

They both smiled sheepishly. "Hungry?"

They both nodded. Peter clapped happily. "Food!" He exclaimed. Remus laughed and linked arms with Peter and Cyan. "Well the only way to get there is forward, so..."

"He's gone mad hasn't he?"

"Yep, nor-normally he isn't bu-but today-"

"Lets go!" Remus dragged them by their arms and started humming loudly.

"What have you given him Peter?"

"No-nothing!" Peter said in his defence. Cyan smiled. "If you can't beat them join them!" And she too danced down the corridor singing very off-key. Peter sighed heavily. "For once I'm the-the responsible one." He followed dragging his feet with him.

"Come on Wormtail!" Remus said turning around but still skipping. "Who's Wormtail? Pet rat or something?" Cyan asked, bounding so she was in line with Remus. "Oh so close...right sorry I mean Peter!" He laughed.

Cyan giggled. "I thought nicknames were for first years!"

"You calling me immature!" Scoffed Remus. "If your looking for 'immature-ies' just find Pr-James and Sirius!"

"Oh dammit I forgot! I need to stop them!" Cyan suddenly stopped and frowned. Remus rolled his eyes as she started walking briskly round the corner. "You should invest your time in having fun rather than Belle all the time!"

Peter laughed from behind them. "And Ja-James always sa-says that you need to invest your time in fu-fun and not in books!" 

"At least books will give me a life!" Remus snorted.

"You saying I don't have a life?" Cyan retorted and stuck out her foot so that he would trip over it but Remus merely went around the obstacle. "Wow that was hard." Cyan narrowed her eyes then pushed him with her elbow. "And that was even harder."

"And if you were paying attention you would notice we were heading in the wrong direction."

"Yes well, as you said I don't know the place as my 'chaperons' ditched me." 

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