Chapter 14- Hurricane

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Chapter 14: Not meant to be


Aubury's P.O.V.


"Ryan, where are we going?" I whine for what feels like the millionth time.

We've been driving for almost two hours but it feels like fooorrevver and every time I ask he looks at me with a smirk on his face, not opening his mouth to relieve me from this torture of not knowing where we're going.

He looks over at me and cue smirk. Told ya. Ryan shakes his head just like he has done every other time I have asked him, though this time he does say something which just... pisses me off.

"I thought you would get that I'm not going to tell you after the 20th time you asked " he admitted, sighing.

"Heelllooo, have you met me? When do I ever give up? I'm curious" I state sarcastically, a smirk now on my face.

"Yea but normal people call that being stubborn and annoying" he grins.

"You're one to talk" I snap back, crossing my arms and looking at the window of the car. I watched as we speed past the trees and notice that we're on the highway. How did I miss that?

As I continue to stare out the window, I can feel Ryan staring at me but I refuse to give in. This proves to be difficult because the curiosity burns inside of me and the only way I'll find answers is through Mr. Arrogant-yet sweet I add grudgingly- seated beside me.

Slowly, I uncross my arms and turn towards Ryan, to find his eyes on me. Panicking, I scream.

"What are you doing?! Keep your eyes on the road" I screech, my hand flying to my chest instinctively, placed on my heart while my other grabs the arm rest. My heartbeat continues to race even when I feel a hand gently removing mine from the death grip I have on the arm rest.

"Calm down Aubury, you don't need to freak out" he assures me in a calm voice.

"No! Your eyes should be on the road, not on me! What if while you were staring at me, we got in an accident, so many things could happen Ryan! Don't be so careless" I shout, panic clear in my voice.

"Alright! I get it Aubury, I'll keep my eyes on the road. I'm sorry. " he says sincerely.

"Good" I chock out, looking over at Ryan, to see he was now focused on the road and a hint of a smile on his face.

I feel bad for freaking out on Ryan like that but I can't go through something like that again. He doesn't know why I panicked but he doesn't press for answers which is a relieve. Every time I think of the Incident, a sharp pain shoots through my chest. I'm not the only one to go through something like this but it doesn't lessen the pain. My friends haven' t experienced anything like this and they don't know that I have either.

My expression must have alerted Ryan that something wasn't right because the next second I feel him grabbing my left hand and entwining our fingers. Shocked, I look over at him and see him staring straight ahead his eyes not leaving the road, keeping his promise.

But something nags at the back of mind and on instinct I slip my hand out of Ryan's. Something just doesn't feel right. I glance over at him, to see a frown settling on his face. An uncomfortable silence settles over us and I glance out the window noticing the trees disappear and all sorts of building take their place.

We sit in silence for a couple more minutes until I can't stand it and turn on the radio. As soon as I turn it on, I immediately hear a woman's voice.

"Hello Toronto! Today we have the one and only boy band One Direction. We will be taking calls, allowing fans to ask any questions they want. So let's begin! First caller your on the air".

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2013 ⏰

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