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 "Wait for me to come home," Jennifer whispered through the phone. The chilly morning air pierced her lungs as she sprinted towards a little brick colonial on 108 Oak Drive

It's been five months since she'd last seen Eddie, and he had just called, informing her that he was at her house and was excited to see her. Jennifer was nervous about how different Eddie would be. He might act like an entire different person! Jennifer thought. At least his voice sounded similar on the phone...

She ran to the driveway to see the new version of Eddie, who looked entirely different than before, except for his familiar side smile and his favorite green t-shirt. His hair was now blonde and even shorter than before. He had bright blue, seemingly unnatural eyes, with an icy feeling that hadn't been present before. His skin was pale with several freckles on his cheeks, and he seemed about two inches taller. Even though he hadn't spoken a word, the air seemed unfriendly and thick. He stood extremely still, not moving a muscle, as Jennifer walked up the gravel driveway to her house.

"Hey," she said meekly, waiting for Eddie to run up and greet her, but he didn't. He stood glued to the porch, his unnerving eyes watching her like a falcon's.

"Eddie?" Jennifer asked softly. Slowly, she approached the wooden steps that led up to her porch, listening to every unique creek of the aged oak.

"Hey, Jennifer," he said. "Look at me now. Different, right?"

"Yeah," she replied unhappily, "different..." Her eyes began to water. "I miss you. Why'd you have to change, Eddie?"

Eddie laughed, mocking Jennifer's sadness. His wonderful, kind laugh had been replaced with a cold, sinister one, which made Jennifer's heart sink.

"Oh, Jen. You amuse me," he smirked, "No wonder we're dating."

"NO!!!" Jennifer yelled, surprising herself by her severity. "We've always just been friends, not a couple! You used to be a great friend, but your-your-your club, whatever it is--KFS, KQYZ, alphabet soup--must've messed with your brain, too!"

Eddie laughed again, sending chills down Jennifer's back. He seemed to find her emotions humorous. 

"How'd you possibly change most of your body, anyway?" Jennifer asked, getting fed-up with Eddie's new personality.

Eddie continued to laugh, an icy, piercing sound.

Ignoring her entire question, he took a breath and said, "If we're just friends, then what happened under the lamppost back on sixth street?"

Jennifer's eyes narrowed. "We exchanged chocolate, as in the Hershey kisses, remember? It was tradition."

Eddie remained silent.

Jennifer let out a disgusted groan. "Of course you don't remember that either." Tears began to stream down her face as she pulled out a photo of Eddie, staring at the creases around his eyes as he made a full smile.

"All this time?" Eddie asked, smirking again. "You kept me in the pocket of your ripped jeans wherever you went?" He snickered.

Jennifer turned away from him silently, fumbling for her keys with her empty hand.

"Wait!" Eddie exclaimed, and Jennifer turned around slowly with sad eyes. "Goodbye hug?" he asked.

Jennifer nodded, putting her arms around his torso and her head on his shoulders. She didn't look up to glance at the glistening blade in his hand.

Eddie stabbed her deep in the back violently, letting it sink into her body. Jennifer gasped, her face going pale, her white t-shirt turning crimson as it soaked with blood. He grinned and pushed her to the ground the knife sticking out of her back. Her breaths became raspy and short.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2015 ⏰

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