The Start

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      I was normal. I was fine. All of it was okay, more or less, until I got an invite.  An invite to a place called " FredBear's Family Diner".  I'd seen it in my town, it was across the street from my favorite art store. The diner was alright by itself, the place was huge.There was 4 party rooms, and a huge stage where the animatronics were. The party tables were always clean and colorful party hats were always placed in a perfect line horizontally across the table. Their food wasn't that bad, although it seemed as if the pizza wasn't cooked fresh, it seemed like they just popped it in the oven frozen, and bam, pizza.  Then there were the Animatronics, there was a Golden bunny, and a Golden bear named FredBear. I wasn't familiar enough with the place to know the bunny's name but that didn't matter. There was something wrong with that bear. I noticed it when I was standing close to the stage during the party. FredBear had marks on him. They were red marks. They were around his eyes, and joints as well.  The bunny seemed fine, so I wasn't sure what to think. 

     " I'm so done with this party.." I thought to myself.  I wasn't really the social type at this point. I didn't have many friends. They thought how I dressed was a Of course it's not like I considered myself the brightest most energetic person, but wearing black all the time isn't that strange. Is it? My normal attire was a black T-shirt, sometimes with stripes, With a black pair of jeans. I was the quiet, artist type. 

  " I have to get out of here.." I mumbled. I looked over at my mother. She was distracted, talking to the other parents. "Good" I sighed, feeling relief. I can slip away from here unnoticed. I walked away from the stage while I pondered places to go, I was thinking of hiding out in the bathroom, when I dead stopped.  I saw someone. Someone wearing a purple guard uniform, slip into a back room, labeled, " Employees Only". 

     I'm not even sure what was so unnerving about him at that point in time. I had no idea the horrors that his face had seen, and the things that happened behind that back closet door. As I look back at it, I realize how stupid and naive I was. I should never have opened that door. I should have left it shut. I should have let those horrors stay a mystery to my sheltered mind. I should have walked away. But I didn't. Curiosity overwhelmed me. 

     " I have to see whats in there." I said to myself. It wasn't because I thought something bad was in there, It was just the thought of going into a room that was only available to certain employees, and seeing it for myself. I crept up to the door, I looked closely and noticed a small panel right below the middle of it. It was a metal flap of sorts, I didn't try to question what this door was before it was a store closet, or  why the panel was even there, but I slowly lifted it up, the room was dark but it soon came into focus.

     I looked for only a few moments before I dropped it back down in horror. There was a girl in there. She was tied up, bloody wounds all over her face, with her long blonde her sticking to to the thick red liquid. I opened the flap back up. She looked up at me. She saw me. Her eyes for just a moment, glistened with hope. I then remembered the man that I had seen slip into the room. He was in there with her, I realized. He hurt her. He caused this. I was terrified, and I felt as if my heart, dropped into my stomach, and was swallowed up.  The man in purple, then blocked my view as he stood in front of the door. I caught a glimpse of the girls face as he walked closer towards her, that face, it was burned into my memory. Her face said everything, it was as if she was screaming to me to help her. But I was frozen. I couldn't move from my fixed position. I glanced over to the man's hand that had just come into view. I saw a knife, it was rusty, and bloody. Yet sharp to the point.

I couldn't look anymore. I dropped the panel and it clattered against the metal door. I ran. I ran out of the diner, and all the way home. No one saw me go out, my parents were worried sick. 

I went up into my room, I crawled under the covers stayed there and cried. For hours I stayed there. Eventually, my parents got home.  They called me to come downstairs.

"Where did you go??" My mother asked. My father joined in saying,

" We were worried sick!!"

"Sorry mom, dad, I managed to say in the most cheerful voice I could, I thought I forgot the present,  so I ran home, as fast as I could, but I couldn't find it, and by the time I was going to go back, the party was only a few more minutes longer, so I went ahead and decided to stay and wait for you."

"I can't believe you!!, My mother yelled, Why didn't you tell us?? We grabbed the present it was at the party the whole time!!"

" Go to your room!!" My father shouted.

So I did, and I crawled back under my covers, curled up, and slept. When I woke back up there was a pile of small animal plushies, with a sticky note that said in fancy cursive "From Mom". There were other sticky notes too all labeling the name of each one.

"Freddy"      "Chica"

"Bonnie"     "Foxy"

        " FredBear"

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