The Broken Down

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     I'm not sure what's happening to me. I feel lost. I'm constantly scared. And things are getting worse. My birthday is coming up. My brother gave my parents the idea to have a birthday party for me at the diner. I can't go back there. The guilt, and shame overwhelms me. I saw someone get murdered. I could've gotten someone. I could have stopped it. But I didn't. I am a coward. I'm such an idiot.  

                                                      I have 7 days until the party. One week.

     FredBear is whispering again. He's telling me things. Things I don't want to hear. He tells me I'm going crazy. He says I'm not normal.

 " You're not okay....He whispers, You're.....Insane...." 

"STOP IT!!" I yell. I throw the FredBear plushie across the room. It hits the wall and lands with a soft thump. All I see is a small pile of golden cloth. The rest concealed by itself.

The whispers still continue.

"I have to end this." I think.

     I quietly sneak down the stairs. And walk into the kitchen. My kitchen is small, it has a checkered floor, with small cabinets, and a big dining table. I walk over to the  wooden cabinets and head towards the drawers, I open and close many until I come to the knife drawer. I take the smallest, but sharpest. A pear knife. I slip it into my pocket, but I'm very careful not to rip my jeans. I sneak back upstairs.

     I start with little ones at first. Tiny little slips of the knife across my wrists. They bleed, some more than others. It felt good, It reminds me I am still here. I am still a person. That I can still feel something. Anything. In a way I am punishing myself, punishing myself because I let that girl die. Her blood is on my hands. That small glisten of hope I saw in her eyes. She thought I would save her. She thought I would help. I didn't. I'm stupid. I'm worthless. Why do I even exist? 

     The night is horrible. My friends, they are torn, horrific, bloodthirsty, and just like Fredbear said, they were coming for me. I can't get away. I am trapped. Bonnie comes through the left, Chica the right, Freddy from behind me, and Foxy from my closet. My life is a dream, wait no, it's a nightmare.

     I can never sleep. Not if they're still after me. I can last through tonight. I can.    

                                                              6 days until the party......

    I walk down to the kitchen, I need to replace the pear knife I took the evening  before. I open the drawer, and I'm just about place the knife back carefully, when my brother comes up from beside me and grabs my right wrist. He looks at it for a moment before scraping his fingernails down hard against my cuts, the scabs get caught and are torn away from my thin skin. I cry out in pain.

     " Quit!!!!" I cry out.

     " Huh, not enough? My brother laughs. "Here then!!"

      He presses down harder and swipes down leaving me with scratch marks that look like as if I was mauled by a bear. I scream as loud as I can and run upstairs, then slam the door behind me. I grab all the plushies and throw them into my closet. I  then, run to my bed and fall into it.  My arm stung. 

"This has to end." I think.

                                                           "Tomorrow is another day"

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