Chapter 14

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About 1 month later
(Natsu's POV)



I walked down stairs to see Lucy's head shoved in the fridge and she popped out with a strawberry in her mouth and smiled. She took the strawberry out

"I said I'm down here"

I couldn't help but laugh she was so cute she eats strawberries now the same way Happy eats fish. About 2 weeks ago the cravings for strawberries could not be ignored and it was almost impossible to get her to eat anything else.

"Sorry I was hungry did you need something?"

"S'alright, I was just wondering where my scarf was I woke up and couldn't find it?"

She pointed to the living room
"It's at the top of the laundry basket I washed it when I woke up" she smiled

"Thanks!" I walked over to the living room sofa and wrapped it around my neck then turned to her

"So whatta you guys have planned today?"

"I'm not hanging out with anyone today?"

"I know the babies all tucked away and still growing fingers I think? and stuff right now but it counts as someone"

"OH I see I was hoping I could clean up a bit and probably eat strawberries all day" her face lit up at the last part like a kid on Christmas strawberries were her biggest love right now I laughed

"You're adorable" I kissed her head

"I'm going with Gray one town over to get some supplies for the guild I should be back by 7 tonight"

"Sounds fun can I come ?"


"Why the hell not?" She said practically fuming

"Cause we're lifting a bunch of heavy stuff and have to use a carriage which jumps a lot"

"OHH right I can't carry heavy stuff and a lot of jumping is bad for the baby.. Plus I get sick, good point"

This is one thing about her being pregnant I'm not use to, she's usually super logical and stuff but I'm guessing with whatever's going on with her hormones makes her super emotional and logic pretty much flies out the window.

"But you know if you were walking I'd be able to tag a long, so maybe next time?"

"Maybe I just don't want you to walk too much"

"Natsu I'm pregnant not handicapped"

"Ya know Luce I almost made you handicapped when I got you pregnant" I said while laughing  she got so flustered as she turned a light shade of pink and looked away

"Well I'm not even showing and besides my new love for strawberries nothing's really changed"

"Your growing a tiny human everything's changed" I cupped her face

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