Chapter one; Nobodies perfect!

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Skywarp trembled as he sat, alone on the Dinobot's island. The sun was a harsh orb in the sky, beating down mercilessly on his bleeding wings. He gave a quiet whine, scared of every shadow around him, and in need of comfort.

"S-Starscream? Th-Th-Thundercracker? Anyone? Please... I'm scared... Brothers?.....Autobots?"

Looking up at the violet sky, he finally noticed the sun setting in a display of reds, blues, golds and greys. The sunset was spectacular, but all it did was sadden Skywarp as he pined for his brothers. Why...?

Leaning into the stone cliff he sat near, the bedraggled seeker settled down for a recharge. Offlining his optics, Skywarp let a wave of strong dreams wash over him. Finally, he let his poor protoform rest. He felt so cut off.

He just wanted to be accepted.



Said mech cowered, terrified of the booming voice that echoed in the blackness around him. Then again, he was terrified of most things, he thought bitterly.

"No, Skywarp, you're truly brave. You wish to be accepted? You shall be. In an alternate universe, there is a group of Autobots that are in desperate need of another teammate."

"Why a stuttering idiot like me? I'm scared of everything!"

The voice chuckled.

"When Starscream was to be beaten, you stepped in instead for him. You are not useless, you are a protector. And now, I need you to protect these people for me."

Skywarp felt a tug at his spark. He wanted to help, and to just feel accepted. He was a fragile mech at the best of times.

"O-O-Kay! I'll do it. But will I see my brothers again? I need them to be safe."

The voice sighed. A mirror shard floated into Skywarp's thin digits, and then to his sub space. It settled in the empty space gently.

"Is your choice made?"

"I will go."

The voice spoke in a deeper bass tone.

"I command that Skywarp, clone of Starscream, be sent to team prime, as to aid them in as many ways possible."

A white flash blinded Skywarp considerably.



Skywarp onlined his optics in a boiling desert. He had decided to have a walk around, when a portal opened up in front of him. Feeling fear, he backed up against a large boulder.

Out of the portal stepped three mechs. The yellow one must be Bumblebee. The orange and White one... Ratchet. Red, blue and silver; must be Optimus. Skywarp whimpered in fear, certain he would be sent to the well.

"Easy there. You're injured, and you need medical attention. What's your name, hm?"

Whining, Skywarp tried to scrabble away. Tears began to fall as he backed away as far as possible. Everything was scary, and he wanted Starscream to hold him and comfort him.

"-Optimus, he is a Decepticon! Can't we just offline the fragger and go back to base?!-"

"No, Bumblebee, he is injured and afraid. We must try to help him."

No, no, no! Fear was clouding his mind, and Skywarp curled up into a tiny ball. Maybe if they thought he wasn't a threat, they would leave him be. He shook, despite the heat, and mewled to no one.

"We'll have to take him back to base. He needs serious repair."

Skywarp closed his optics and twittered in the seeker language. He was calling for Starscream, though he doubted he would hear him. Skywarp felt arms lift him up, and he nestled close to the warm spark of his holder.

"-I'll carry him. He must have not eaten recently, he is really light.-"

He liked the feeling of safety. It was like when Thunder showed his soft side, and stroked Skywarp's wings to help him recharge. It felt so soothing during a storm, or after a beating... No! This wasn't his place. He was supposed to be... Never mind.

His tanks began churning and he whined meekly as he looked around the green portal. Flashes of blue and purple flew around, and sometimes white and pink flashed their faces in the cylinder. It was really pretty.

The group of mechs exited the portal. Skywarp was laid on a medical berth, which he promptly slid under. He bumped his wings, and they began bleeding again. Whining, he began to preen the bleeding appendages.

"Come out!"

"Hmm, lets see, I'm in an enemy base, I'm injured and the medic is a grouch. If I come out, I'm probably going to die. If I die, I can't do much, can I?"

The mech went silent, and continued to preen. He was to scared to do much, really, but he stopped the bleeding and settled down for a bit.

"-I know just what to do!-"

"How, Bumblebee? He's not coming out."

"-Watch and learn, my dear medic, watch and learn. I had a seeker best friend before the war, and I know exactly how to lure him out!-"

"Not likely," muttered Skywarp, feeling petrified yet angry.

Bumblebee shot a laser light out of his index digit. He waved it around temptingly in front of the berth. Like a sliver of quicksilver, Skywarp was pouncing on it. He chased the little red dot to a wall and pawed at it.

"Lights out."

All Skywarp felt was a prick in his neck, before darkness.


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